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How do I do this? (fundraising)

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Our Fife and Drum Corp. is invited to Williamsburg for Drummer's Call. We are having a fundraising concert to get us there.:)


We will be having live and silent auctions at our fundraiser. We need to approach local businesses and ask for donations of cash or auctionable merchandise and/or sell them a ticket to the concert. We also have a flier to put in their window if they will allow it.


I feel so sick. I am so afraid of doing this. ugh. Two weeks ago I went into two real estate offices I was done. I just got up enough courage to do those and then I felt exhausted. It can't be that hard, can it?


Do I ask if they would be would be willing to put up a flier and then say, "Oh, by the way, do you have anything to donate to us or would you like to buy a ticket?" Or do the ticket/donation thing first and then ask if they would be willing to hang the flier?


I get so nervous. I don't want to get tongue-tied or start stumbling over my words.



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I know the feeling. It does get easier over time.


I make sure to have a typed-up letter with our nonprofit tax id on it when I go into a business to ask for donations. Not sure if your organization is a nonprofit? Even if it isn't I would type up all the info to be able to give it to the business--and include contact info on the letter. That way if the manager or decision maker isn't available to talk to, the info can still be passed on. Also, you can get the number of the decision maker and a good time to call back in the next few days. They will have had time to look at the info and be prepared for your request.


If it makes it easier--about 75% of local businesses I approach are happy to donate. If not, don't take it personally. Just smile, say thanks anyway, and leave.


I would go in---tell them about your cause, let them know you are hoping they can support your cause, you have two ways they can do that, then present the options-- hanging a poster or a donation.


Practice, practice, practice before going out. Also, take your kids---they need to learn to do this and a lot of people respond well to well behaved cute kids. ;)

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Guess what I have to do today?


Yep. I have to tackle beginning to ask for donations for my son's choir, which is having a concert and auction to raise funds for a trip to England next summer. They will be the resident choir at two cathedrals (London and Oxford) for a week each.


It's a fantastic opportunity, and I really want him to go. But I'm awful, awful at this sort of thing.


A couple of years ago, my daughter was in a show. And part of the deal was that we were supposed to sell two ads for the program. I put it off and put it off and finally went out for two days and begged. We got one ad, but it turned out okay. I've never quite recovered.


And now I have to do this!


Honestly, I wish we were wealthy enough to just pay for the trip out of pocket. I'm dreading this whole thing . . .

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I have done fundraising for the past two years for my dd to travel to Ireland to compete in the All Ireland for fiddling. We did a similar thing...had a ceili (Gaelic for dance) where local musicians came, along with my kids and played music while people danced and ate. We also did a Chinese auction.


We made up a flyer that I took with us to hand out to local businesses and I put an article in local papers advertising the event along with a photo. We would just tell people about the event and what it was for then asked if they'd be willing to donate something for the Chinese auction then ask to post the flyer. We tended to stick to businesses we frequent. Most places were very receptive. The worst they can say is "no."


A number of people actually came to the event from certain businesses but most of those who came were people within the Irish community or friends and family who understood the significance of what dd was doing. I would suggest going to groups maybe where your group has performed previously or those who would be interested in what you are doing.


After we got home each year, dd would write a personal thank you to each person who donated or helped out and send it along with a photo of her in Ireland. That helped when it came time to try again the next year.

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When we did fundraising for a theater, the theater offered advertising in the program and a certain 'status.'


For instance....


$50 is "Drum Club" and gets a line in the program of the concert.


$100 is "Fife Club" and gets a 2x3 advertisement in the program.


$500 is "Williamsburg Club" and gets a banner posted at the concert plus 2 tickets.


Et cetera....


When my parents owned their own business, they were asked ALL THE TIME for donations. It gets old very quickly, but business owners appreciate being appreciated. :001_smile:

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We just got our first donation!


I sent an e-mail to my son's voice teacher explaining the project and asking if he'd like to donate something, and he responded within about 20 minutes with a donation worth $850.


Now, since this will be an auction item, we don't know how much it will actually earn us. But, still!


On to the next, I guess.


It can be done!

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When we did fundraising for a theater, the theater offered advertising in the program and a certain 'status.'


For instance....


$50 is "Drum Club" and gets a line in the program of the concert.


$100 is "Fife Club" and gets a 2x3 advertisement in the program.


$500 is "Williamsburg Club" and gets a banner posted at the concert plus 2 tickets.


Et cetera....


When my parents owned their own business, they were asked ALL THE TIME for donations. It gets old very quickly, but business owners appreciate being appreciated. :001_smile:


That is great idea and we talked about doing that. Not sure what they decided.


I am heading out in a few minutes. I have stalled long enough. Just waiting for my fliers to finish printing. I gave myself a goal of getting 10 fliers up.

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