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Anyone else deal with tears every day?

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And I do mean EVERY day. It's not one subject consistently. It could be spelling, math, grammar, or during the writing portions of science or history on any given day. Heck, sometimes it's even while coloring, playing the piano, or some other "fun" thing. He's 9. Is it an age thing? A phase? Our curriculum as a whole? Me? Life? What is it? I don't get it. I'm not an emotional person and I really have a hard time not just telling him to man up. I don't. But I want to.


Today he cried during math because he forgot to put a dollar sign on an answer. He also cried during grammar because he put "the" as the noun in a diagram. He cried during history because misspelled "where" for the one thousandth time. Is he a perfectionist and being excessively hard on himself?


What is it?

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Ds13 cried for years. We worked a LOT on self talk. I'd start school with a review on how to handle mistakes - take a deep breath, say "oops", fix the mistake. Then one day he actually did it! Obviously he didn't then do perfectly from then on but it got gradually better for that particular issue. But today we had a lesson on using self talk to manage stress. . .

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I'll never forget one day...I told my son that he has to write a sentence and it could be ANY sentence he wanted to write... He threw his pencil and paper on the floor, threw himself on the floor and against the wall, screamed, ran off to his room and slammed the door.




What is it with Dudes? :lol:


I have no solution for you, BTW...Lol!

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Oh yes!!! I have a cryer and it happens to be my ds as well. He is 8. He cries multiple times a day. Not just about school (though he does that daily), but also about things like taking a shower, cleaning his room, coming in from playing outside.....pretty much whenever he has to do something he did not come up with on his own. He will calm down after a few minutes and apologize. It's exhausting. And I thought girls were supposed to be the emotional ones!!! I'll be watching this thread for advice!

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(though he does that daily), but also about things like taking a shower, cleaning his room, coming in from playing outside.....


:lol: My friend said her 9 yro was crying because he couldn't button his jeans. I think there must be a phase or something... Lol!

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I have one of these too! Oh the tears make me crazy. I get that he is a perfectionist about things... but come on already. He is almost 12 and I keep thinking he's going to grow out of it soon, but when?? He is also emotional about other things as well, especially those he perceives as injustices. Like Jean, we practice lots of self-talk, deep breathing, taking a break when needed, etc.

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I should mention that my ds13 is still a crier but it has gotten much better. I make sure he takes a B complex and has some really good hard exercise everyday.


We start every day with breakfast and then exercise. We take 5-10 min breaks between subjects for exercise (either outside or callisthenics in the living room). I've been giving him fish oil to help with focus. Guess I should add in some B complex for my complex child....


I posted at 10:13 and it is now 10:54 and he had to get up and take a walk because he was crying so hard he got the table all wet. Can't do math in a puddle. :crying:


Oh.. another day, another box of Kleenex.


What would I give for school work that wasn't tear-stained... Mine isn't even out of bed yet and I'm already dreading the flood.

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One or the other of my girls was always crying during math when they come upon something they didn't know. So I created...


RULE #1: DON'T panic during math!


When tears would spill into other areas I had to create....


RULE #2: Everything is math! (Now I'm having to relate everything to math because I didn't want to have to amend #1 :D)


I'm hoping to instill in them that everything is learnable and fixable. There is no sense in getting worked up. REALLY hoping/praying their self confidence increases with each success.

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