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I want to Zumba.

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:iagree: I thought about the dvd's before I took some classes at the Y. They are so much fun when you do them with a group, and everyone is really supportive. I had some foot issues after a few classes, and hung out with three ladies who were in there 70's-they inspired me!

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Hi. My name is Laura and I cannot dance. :blush: I have zero coordination. Not only that, but I hate to exercise and really can't stand sweating. I was bullied into taking a zumba class at the Y (where I worked for seven years). Not only did I not want to workout, but I for sure didn't want to look like a fool in front of the members I took care of daily.


Well, let's just say that I now own a pair of zumba shoes. :D I'm addicted. Sad thing is, I haven't been able to make it to classes lately. I have never sweated so much in my life, nor have I ever had so much fun exercising. LOVE me some Zumba! Dh just bought zumba for the Xbox Kinect for me so that I can still get in a workout without going to the Y, but it is so much more fun in a live class. Not only is it more fun, but I would never dream of walking out in the middle of an hour long class. Much easier to call it quits when I think I can't give anymore- when I'm in my home. Alone.

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I have zumba dance for the Wii (although, my favorite is the cardio boxing because I can do that). It is a lot of fun and I work up a sweat in places I did not know I could sweat. I have no coordination, I have yet to successfully manage my hands and grapevine feet at the same time, but I have mastered the salsa step. I would take a class if I had the $$. I hear it is a lot of fun in some of those groups.

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