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Singapore math - what exactly do I need to start?

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The textbook introduces the concepts. The workbook contains the actual practice problems. For 1A and 1B I bought the textbooks, workbooks, and Home Instructor's Guide for each level. I didn't get any of the other practice books. I am just using flashcards I made out of index cards and drill sheets I found free on the internet.



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The text book is a must have and the workbook contains the questions for the student to do independently. Yes, you'll need both the A and the B for each year. If you're not very comfortable with teaching math then the Instructor's Guide is fantastic. It actually contains a lot more of the concrete activities that many parents do naturally alongside the text. It will tell you when to use manipulatives and what manipulatives to use. It also has game ideas and other helps. It's well worth the money because it brings a lot to the table. However, if you do that stuff on your own then you won't need it. I didn't use an IG until 6A.



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You know I never could understand everyone's claim that Singapore is so cheep. Sure the wb may only be $8 ($11 at the Singapore site), but that is $8 times 2 for just the wb set. Then you need $11 times 2 for the text set, and then the Instructor's Guide for $16. That is a total of $54 plus shipping. I think you have a right to balk. ;) I'm sure there are those out there that cost more (MUS comes to mind), but there are those that cost less too. Balk away! ;)

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What is the difference between the textbooks and workbooks? Do you use both for level 1A/1B?


I know I shouldn't be balking at $8 per book, but I did just make a $$$ mistake with Saxon. :banghead:



I'd choose the textbook *with* some combination of workbook, extra practice, intensive practice, and challenging word problems.

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For first through third grades, we used just the coursebooks and workbooks. No CWP or other extras, and no teacher's guides. This was before the prices went up :), but it was $30 for the year, less than a third of Saxon. And of course you can re-use the coursebooks with your next child, and/or buy them used.

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If you're not very comfortable with teaching math then the Instructor's Guide is fantastic. It actually contains a lot more of the concrete activities that many parents do naturally alongside the text. It will tell you when to use manipulatives and what manipulatives to use. It also has game ideas and other helps.



What manipulatives are needed for 1A and 1B? Is there a list somewhere (other than the Instructor's Guide)?

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For 1A, I've mostly used counters of some sort. (I have some nice tiles that I used with something else.) Late in the book, I also pulled out some blocks that were different shapes (cones, triangular, etc.) to help demonstrate a concept. We're just starting 1B, so I don't know about that one. And I don't have the IG, so I don't know if there's a list or not. There's not one in the text itself.

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Welcome to the Singapore side of life! Since switching to Singapore from Saxon, math has turned from torture to mild discomfort----a huge improvement! We started in 1B [workbook and textbook], for 2A we added Intensive Practice [talk about intensive! These can challenge the brightest GT kids! and mom!], I bought 2B textbook used at a book sale and the home instructors guide came with it---wow. If you are the least bit worried/unsure how to teach math, these would be a huge resource. I want to try the word problems book with 2B----he loves the intensive practice book, but his favorite parts are the word problems so it seems that maybe that book would be a good fit for him.


We don't use many manipulatives---in 1B we used the abacus, counters, hundred chart, clocks, and money. In 2A we need scales that I haven't bought yet. We just skipped that unit until I remember to pick a kitchen scale up in town.



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I've only used the textbook and workbook (not the Instructor's Guide) at this level. The textbook guides you along and shows you what lessons to have the dc complete.


I'm using 1A with a 5yo (mathy) and it is going so well. This is my 4th (and final) time through 1A/B. Just a couple things I am glad I knew (learned the hard way) before beginning...


It is helpful to have the facts to 10 down (or at least working on it daily) before you get to the latter part of 1A (where you "make 10"). We work on this daily with flashcards. (I would get a good set of these).


Also, use the pictures in the textbook as your cue as to what manipulatives you might want to use. For example, on p. 22 it shows a lid covering some mangoes and some are left out in the open. For that, I used dried beans and a small cup to cover part of the amount. A fun game. On the next page, the boy has 10 candies in his hand...part is in one hand (opened) and the other hand is clenched. Stop and play this "game"!


I also made a "number bond mat" on the computer then printed it onto cardstock and then laminated. We pull this out daily and use dry-erase markers to put two numbers on the mat and I have ds guess the missing number. Being able to visualize the number bonds in the dc's mind will help later on in the book.


HTH, Shay

Afterschooler to 3 dc

Homeschooling 1 dc

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Yes, I used the PreK set. There are two sets EarlyBird 1A/B and 2A/B. I found little use for the 1A/B set, but really loved using the 2A/B set. For us, it made the math lights go on with my little guy. You don't need a teacher book as your instructions are at the bottom of each lesson. I really took my time and used lots of manipulatives, did all of the suggested activities, and at times "camped out" on a topic until he understood it (or just really liked the topic).


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