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  1. I don't know if other households have this issue, but we are often going mano-e-mano about how to pronounce things [bathsheba, Nevada, Champs Elysees, etc]. OK, this time dh and I are in a deadlock about how to pronounce Sir Gawain's lovely name. I always learned in various history and literature classes to pronounce it "GOW-an" whereas dh learned "ga-WAYNE" He also has argued that we might be talking about 2 different knights. I'm so confused! Can someone straighten us/me/him out? We realize that this is actually not a bit deal...no lost sleep. But I'd still like to win!
  2. Hank the Cowdog series, Erikson anything by EB White Chronicles of Narnia [he's in Prince Caspian for obvious reasons right now!] Flat Stanley books He also still enjoys picture books [which he has to read to little bros]: Arthur books by Marc Brown Jon Sceiska and Lane Smith Diane Stanley [Rumplestiltskin's Daughter was a recent favorite] Arnold Lobel The Stepping Stones books are a good size, both to hold and read in one sitting. He really likes the True Adventures right now. http://www.randomhouse.com/kids/steppingstones/index.html I also think you can't go wrong with the classic lists at Ambleside Online. http://www.amblesideonline.org/
  3. Welcome to the Singapore side of life! Since switching to Singapore from Saxon, math has turned from torture to mild discomfort----a huge improvement! We started in 1B [workbook and textbook], for 2A we added Intensive Practice [talk about intensive! These can challenge the brightest GT kids! and mom!], I bought 2B textbook used at a book sale and the home instructors guide came with it---wow. If you are the least bit worried/unsure how to teach math, these would be a huge resource. I want to try the word problems book with 2B----he loves the intensive practice book, but his favorite parts are the word problems so it seems that maybe that book would be a good fit for him. We don't use many manipulatives---in 1B we used the abacus, counters, hundred chart, clocks, and money. In 2A we need scales that I haven't bought yet. We just skipped that unit until I remember to pick a kitchen scale up in town. hth!
  4. Thank you, everyone. It's so helpful to hear your tips! I will research melatonin and become more diligent about exercise.
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  6. I would not post this if it weren't a real worry for me. My sweet boy has too much of his mama in him. He has a theory that he wants to test for science fair next year---brown-eyed people [he and I] can't get to sleep like blue-eyed people [dh and younger brothers, who all fall asleep easily]. We have tried rigid rituals, fluid rituals, no rituals, books with pictures, books with no pictures, dad reading, mom reading, ds reading himself. He can hit the sack at nine after a short bath, Dad read for 10 min [little brother 4yo falls asleep now], ds reads for 10 min.....then we check on him at 11 or 12 and he still hasn't fallen asleep. As per dh orders, I wake him up at 8 everyday [don't let him sleep in---even though I want him too!] His behavior is declining rapidly, for us as well as others [sunday School teacher said he "imploded" during class]. He's only averaging about 7-9 hours per night as opposed to the 11 or so he "should" get. When he does get to sleep, he sleeps DEEPLY. He is a bit GT, so I know he has trouble slowing his brain down. He also is not very physical. Going outside to play usually includes taking a book with him. Any ideas? Will this be outgrown? Please help if you have a minute!
  7. Janna, thank you for sharing. dh and I have had to have "us vs. the world" discussion all too often lately. We're in the trenches with you, if it helps at all! Thank you for the quote from Corrie ten Boom.
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