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Will MM or SM get you to the same place?


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I may have misunderstood the post but I thought she said there were topics covered in SM1A-6B that are not covered in MM1A-6B or that things were covered more thoroughly. However, I think SM doesn't cover negative numbers but MM does. Is that true?


The standards edition of SM covers negative numbers, as well as all the other stuff people always complain about being missing from the US edition.

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Oh I always forget about the CA standards edition. Darn, I wish I could find that post. I'm fairly certain a poster said that SM through 6B gets you further than MM6B. I'm wondering if it's specific topics that are missing in MM or is that Sm goes deeper. WE're going to do MM6B/6B but if there are some topics in SM which are absent in MM, it's easy for me to add those in as I also own SM.


Capt Uhura

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The standards edition of SM covers negative numbers, as well as all the other stuff people always complain about being missing from the US edition.


When does the Stds edition cover negative numbers?


Signed, mom who bought US editions through third grade without knowing any better ;)

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When does the Stds edition cover negative numbers?


Signed, mom who bought US editions through third grade without knowing any better ;)


4A - at a very basic level: just "this is what a negative number is".

I don't think there's any arithmetic with negative numbers in 4.

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I wonder if the poster comparing the two was thinking about back when MM only went to 6A? That wasn't very long ago. When there was no 6B, yes, Singapore went further, because it had a 6B. :D


Though looking at the MM website where it talks about the comparison, it says this:


The above comparison does not apply to SM Primary Mathematics Standards Edition, which follows California standards and is therefore more advanced.


I don't know what exactly is in SM Standards that isn't in MM. :lurk5:

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Honestly? I'm not at all worried about it. MM gets the kid ready for pre-algebra/algebra. That's enough for me. At that point, we'll get some good textbooks and dive right in. I know I've heard of people occasionally going to algebra straight from MM, so obviously there wasn't anything drastic missing? :confused:

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I'm more curious than worried. I have enough math books at home that I could easily supplement. That's why I want to know what the topic is...honestly I can't think of anything. I'd rather fill any gaps right now than later though I suppose it doesn't matter. DS has also done RSA-E, and is doing RS Geo so it's likely we may cover whatever it is that might be missing from MM compared to SM stds edition. I too am wondering if that statement was made not considering MM6B.

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With regard to this quote from Maria Miller:

The above comparison does not apply to SM Primary Mathematics Standards Edition, which follows California standards and is therefore more advanced.


By "advanced," she means that the standards edition covers some of the topics sooner (in slightly earlier levels) than MM or Singapore/US edition, not that it covers topics missing from MM. MM6 covers probability & statistics, negative numbers, graphing functions, intro to algebraic equations, etc. It is quite complete.



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  • 1 month later...
I have a related question. I have downloaded samples of Singapore and also watched lessons on youtube based on Singapore. Why does it seem soooo much easier than MM? It looks to me like it is slightly behind. :confused:


I believe it may appear that way because Singapore does not require as many problems to be done in their workbooks. However, there are plenty of problems if the textbooks are being used, as well as the IP and CWP books.

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4A - at a very basic level: just "this is what a negative number is".

I don't think there's any arithmetic with negative numbers in 4.



Neg number again taught in 6A ch2 , 6B, ch 13 with all 4 operations (standard edition)


In 4, it is just what is, and compare between neg numbers

Edited by jennynd
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