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Here's how I would describe you to my irl friends--

You know, that girl Nakia I'm always talking about, the one with the tatoos and piercings but she's Christian, who takes these awesome photos and probably can cuss a blue streak if she wanted to, but doesn't, cause she's so awesome and wonderful!!




I, too, would like to know you irl. You'd make me laugh and let me be myself, but challenge me to be better, and that's a big huge wonderful gift, girl.

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I'm working, but I have a minute to comment a bit more. I love to comment. :D


Your posts of late have been cracking me up. We're on a similar wavelength! I'd like to know you in real life!


I think I'm getting braver on here. Maybe it's my age or maybe it's just the fact that my ability to beat around the bush or tolerate BS has gone down drastically. I think I will blame the psych drugs.



Wouldn't we all. I don't know her personally but I have had some correspondence with her and she is someone I can really relate to and would love to have the pleasure of knowing in real life.


You have been an amazing friend to me the last year!! I appreciate you so much!!!


Here's how I would describe you to my irl friends--

You know, that girl Nakia I'm always talking about, the one with the tatoos and piercings but she's Christian, who takes these awesome photos and probably can cuss a blue streak if she wanted to, but doesn't, cause she's so awesome and wonderful!!




I, too, would like to know you irl. You'd make me laugh and let me be myself, but challenge me to be better, and that's a big huge wonderful gift, girl.


You give me too much credit, sweet Chris. Sometimes I do cuss a blue streak. :lol:

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Me, too! LOL


Once, I was on the phone long dist with my dad. Dh was in the backround, and slammed his finger in something (I've forgotten--maybe a door). I said to my Dad, oh, Dh just hurt himself!! Dad asked me what a priest says when he hurts himself--Dh overheard and said OUCH! LOL


Don't ask what the priest's wife says...

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Me, too! LOL


Once, I was on the phone long dist with my dad. Dh was in the backround, and slammed his finger in something (I've forgotten--maybe a door). I said to my Dad, oh, Dh just hurt himself!! Dad asked me what a priest says when he hurts himself--Dh overheard and said OUCH! LOL


Don't ask what the priest's wife says...




yeah...I'm with them :)


I would love to meet you too! We could go on a photography walk!

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Sometimes my inner Nakia comes out and then I say, "EWWW! I don't really want a snake!



Sometimes my inner Negin comes out and I start body brushing and eating seaweed.


I'm off to let my inner ME come out, which will involve some bellydancing.



You sure do talk about my snake a lot. I think the green-eyed monster is hanging around...

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Sometimes my inner Nakia comes out and then I say, "EWWW! I don't really want a snake!

Sometimes my inner Negin comes out and I start body brushing and eating seaweed.

I'm off to let my inner ME come out, which will involve some bellydancing.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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