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Frazil Ice in Yosemite - really cool video

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This is SO cool!




My mom just sent it to me. It's a Youtube video on the frazil ice that forms in Yosemite Park. Really, really neat. I guess it's part of their "Nature Notes" segments they must have. And it said it's #9, so that means there are at least 8 others to watch. We'll have to check them out. We want to head that way in a few years when we are living back on that side of the country.


It's a 7 minute video, but really neat.




It is hard to imagine that Yosemite is only 60 miles from Fresno -- where it

never ever snows and rarely gets below 32 F in the dead of winter.

This is an incredible video! It only happens in March and April. I

have never seen a creek come to a complete stop like this before and start up

again someplace else.

It's like a lava flow. Turn on your sound. Now just enjoy


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