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A Thank You and TOG Year 2


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I know that it is not fashionable to resurrect old threads, so I'm starting a new one. I am the woman from the thread titled "Is it crazy to consider..." who practically had a complete meltdown regarding history and science. I never said thank you for all of your encouragement and thoughtful responses. :blush: So, THANK YOU!!!!!!! Everyone has helped me put these grammar years into a better perspective. I do think I'm having an "adjustment" year of sorts where I'm trying to figure out what on earth we are doing. I hope I'm not the only one out there!


All that said, we are back to including history and science. :lol: Hubby and I had a long discussion and he has convinced me to set panic aside and simply keep things in grammar perspective. Besides, DD loves both subjects and I really can't ignore the fact that she actually knows who Ashurbanipal is - not a bad start, I guess.


Not only are we back to including the subjects, but we've jumped back into TOG for next year! :lol: Talk about a 180! I just haven't seen any other curriculum that can compare in depth and rigor for the L/R stages and, once again, Hubby has convinced me to learn how to use it now while it is still easy! I think starting next year fresh with Year 2 will go much better than starting mid-year with a random unit. So here it goes! We've joined the TOG darkside! Actually, I'm really excited and ready to learn the history myself during this time. Now that I'm getting a better perspective of the grammar years (thank you!), I'm going to use this time to educate myself.


SO, any tips on handling Year 2 specifically? I really love SOTW, but is it realistic to use it alongside TOG? Some weeks have 7 chapters of SOTW included - yikes! Also, I believe a thread (that I can't find) had mentioned a good DK encyclopedia that would teach me the flow of history, which is what I desperately need. Is it the DK encyclopedia that is now offered via MFW?


Thank you for bearing with me and my rambling ways! I've felt like a teeter-totter this year and am ready to solidify our direction. At least the three Rs are steady!

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I haven't bought my Y2 yet, we're still in the throes of Y1, but we use SOTW as a supplement. I have the kids listen to the audio readings for the week at some point, and I flag the chapters in the actual book for them to read at their leisure, if they choose to. I haven't used the activities, because my activity book is in our other house, out of state. :tongue_smilie: I'm hoping next year to maybe at least browse through them and incorporate some of them into our TOG, but I don't want to overdo it, either, so we'll see.

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We are using TOG Y2 right now, although most of my focus is with my dialectic and rhetoric students :). There is a lot of time covered here, but I really think TOG has arranged it well with the focus of the 4 units.


I find that with my LG student, I just keep going back to SOTW. There's just something about the story style that my kids remember better than others. The chapters are so short that most of the time it shouldn't be a huge problem to cover them, but the LG history work, in general, covers fewer historical topics than UG-R, so I'm pretty sure there are chapters that you could easily leave out.


If you have a daily story time, that can be a great place to add in the literature or history readings that you want to include but can't quite fit into your day.


I think next time around, we will keep a large-scale timeline going with major events/people. My kids seem to find that even the history encyclopedias seem to "jump around" in topic a lot, and a timeline would just help solidify the passage of time a little better.

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Is it unfashionable to resurrect old threads? I had no idea. Where is the handbooks for WTM etiquette, lol! :D


Now you have me curious as to what you were crazy for considering......


Well, I remember an entire thread dedicated solely to the agonies of resurrected threads. Lest I cause agony, I thought I'd play it safe. A handbook would be nice!!!! :lol:


I was considering chucking history and science out the window for all the grammar years. Looking back, I might have been slightly hormonal at the time. :blush: Everyone's responses were a great help, though, in keeping a non-panic grammar perspective. It is something to hold on to in those emotional moments. :tongue_smilie:

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I haven't bought my Y2 yet, we're still in the throes of Y1, but we use SOTW as a supplement. I have the kids listen to the audio readings for the week at some point, and I flag the chapters in the actual book for them to read at their leisure, if they choose to. I haven't used the activities, because my activity book is in our other house, out of state. :tongue_smilie: I'm hoping next year to maybe at least browse through them and incorporate some of them into our TOG, but I don't want to overdo it, either, so we'll see.


Audio might be a good option! But even then, has listening to 7 chapters in a week been overwhelming? Or do you stretch it out? I'm guessing you would have to really love Jim Weiss's voice to do this! Which I do.... :)

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We are using TOG Y2 right now, although most of my focus is with my dialectic and rhetoric students :). There is a lot of time covered here, but I really think TOG has arranged it well with the focus of the 4 units.


I find that with my LG student, I just keep going back to SOTW. There's just something about the story style that my kids remember better than others. The chapters are so short that most of the time it shouldn't be a huge problem to cover them, but the LG history work, in general, covers fewer historical topics than UG-R, so I'm pretty sure there are chapters that you could easily leave out.


If you have a daily story time, that can be a great place to add in the literature or history readings that you want to include but can't quite fit into your day.


I think next time around, we will keep a large-scale timeline going with major events/people. My kids seem to find that even the history encyclopedias seem to "jump around" in topic a lot, and a timeline would just help solidify the passage of time a little better.



Hmmm...this is interesting. I also love the narrative of SOTW. Do any of the history core/in-depth readings offer that? The Famous Men...? If you use mostly SOTW, do you just drop most of the history readings and only stick to literature? Are the history readings worth trying to keep as well? They seem so rich and colorful for LG, but then again, I do love a narrative style.


Do you think a timeline will make sense to an LG? Would a timeline with the history readings help with the "flow" of history or do I need to seriously consider keeping SOTW in? I just don't want to overwhelm myself before I begin, or I might resort to the "chuck history out the window" theory again.


Another question, is the flow of history easier to follow in the L/R stages? Or is this something that I undertake in my self-education?



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If you can't put down SOTW how about trying the audio books? My kids love these at bed time or while playing. Low key history for fun without huge amount of your time being needed.


In LG for a timeline I would try the poster approach. Have a few key dates you want on there and then let your child decide what should be included.


Or pick an era being studied, get a big piece of poster board and call it "Middle Ages" or a smaller division if needed. Create a collage of dates, events and themes for that period. Draw pictures, photo copy an image from a book, cut up a magazine or catalog, and print labels off the computer.


If I planned ahead I would look for opportunities to reinforce learning with field trips. See related exhibits at museums, visit colonial sites, what ever you have that is near enough to do.

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I think first off, you need to remember how young your kids are still. I went through TOG Y2 when my oldest two were 7. We did not read every book listed, nor do we do that this year in Y4. It's okay if history is light at this age. We would read the books that captured our attention and if we started one and didn't like it or understand it, we set it down.

One word of advice: don't bother with the books that span LG, UG, and D right now. They are well above a six (or nine) year old and you'll hit them again later.

That said, I love that we've been able to incorporate history with TOG, taking what we want out of it. It's a great program to pick and choose from, especially for the youngers because they offer so much. I went into it knowing I can't do it all so I'm not going to try. Seems to be working thus far.

We have enjoyed the crafts - those are great for the younger kids.

Enjoy! I hope you like it.

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Audio might be a good option! But even then, has listening to 7 chapters in a week been overwhelming? Or do you stretch it out? I'm guessing you would have to really love Jim Weiss's voice to do this! Which I do.... :)


I haven't found it to be overwhelming, but I haven't hit a weekplan with 7 chapters of SOTW yet! ;) If it was that big, I'd probably spread it out. As it is now, we listen to both SOTW and MOH, usually some afternoon, or two, while the kids are engaged in some other quiet activity. I also take them in the van with us. We live about 40 minutes away from the nearest decent sized town, so we might have a lot of van time, and I try to use that wisely. :D

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SO, any tips on handling Year 2 specifically? I really love SOTW, but is it realistic to use it alongside TOG? Some weeks have 7 chapters of SOTW included - yikes! Also, I believe a thread (that I can't find) had mentioned a good DK encyclopedia that would teach me the flow of history, which is what I desperately need. Is it the DK encyclopedia that is now offered via MFW?




I have children in every level this year and we are using Y2. When there are several SOTW chapters, I choose the ones that I feel will be of the greatest interest to my children, or are of the greatest importance. My 3rd grader loves to listen to SOTW on audio, my 1st grader prefers the literature especially if there are knights and dragons. So, I pick and choose for the grammar stage.


I do use a good encyclopedia for my 3rd grader so that she gets the flow of history better.


I hope you enjoy TOG and remember that it is a TOOL, you can use it any way that you want!:001_smile:

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Thank you for bearing with me and my rambling ways! I've felt like a teeter-totter this year and am ready to solidify our direction. At least the three Rs are steady!


I've BTDT recently, and still do it sometimes, so no problem bearing with you here! :lol:


I'm also going to give TOG Y2 a try next year for 2nd grade. I figure if I want to use it for the upper levels, it would be easier to start now while I have just one kid that is supposed to be learning it (plus a tag along if he wants to). I can self-educate and prepare myself for teaching in the later years. I do go into it with an understanding that it's just LG, so we don't have to read every book. I'm pretty good at doing that now.


I will plan to have SOTW, so if there's a week that we can't get books from the library, we could at least read SOTW that week. I was also going to have SOTW on audio. We have alot of 20-45 minute car rides to get to places, so audio books are great! And I do like Jim Weiss' voice. :)


Anyway, I'm :lurk5:, and will be joining you in this journey next year... as soon as we finish Biblioplan Ancients (which I think will be mid-October). I was going to use TOG this year, then talked myself out of it and went with Biblioplan. I think that was probably the right choice for this year, being my first year of homeschooling (we started in January). Now that I am good with the library system and have a good routine going, I think I could handle TOG very easily. I still have nagging fears about history taking over my homeschool, but I remind myself that I am in charge of the curriculum. :) We can do as much or as little as we want. I'll just get one unit to start out and see how things go, then re-evaluate as we get towards the end of that unit. I also am likely going to spend 1.5-2 years on it, rather than doing it all in one year (is it bad that I've mapped things out and determined that if my oldest gets one year behind on the history cycle, it will put my youngest right on for doing the 4 year cycle in high school, which means *I* would get to end with the most recent modern history? So yes, it's all about me :lol:).

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Hmmm...this is interesting. I also love the narrative of SOTW. Do any of the history core/in-depth readings offer that? The Famous Men...? If you use mostly SOTW, do you just drop most of the history readings and only stick to literature? Are the history readings worth trying to keep as well? They seem so rich and colorful for LG, but then again, I do love a narrative style.


Do you think a timeline will make sense to an LG? Would a timeline with the history readings help with the "flow" of history or do I need to seriously consider keeping SOTW in? I just don't want to overwhelm myself before I begin, or I might resort to the "chuck history out the window" theory again.


Another question, is the flow of history easier to follow in the L/R stages? Or is this something that I undertake in my self-education?




We loved the Famous Men read alouds - they may be geared toward UG though. For LG history, I try to do as many of the primary readings as possible, and add SOTW when we have time or where it's applicable. The TOG primary readings for LG are usually VERY short, so (depending on how many children you are juggling) it's not difficult to add in other resources. Sometimes our library doesn't have the primary reading books, so I use only SOTW or whatever else I can find that works.


For a timeline, I'm thinking a very basic, big picture kind of thing - a printing press, Wittenberg door, Columbus's ships, Mayflower, etc. just to be able to point events that came before / after the "major" events.


Flow of history for L/R is definitely well defined - they have a timeline project and their study / discussion is constantly reviewing and relating the events of history to others.


One handy thing about starting TOG early is that you can make notes on what books/resources/projects/etc you like and don't like and what's available, and what you prefer as a substitute, and so will save yourself some time later on :). I'm doing that now, but for every stage every year. Which reminds me - I have to get going on Unit 4. Have fun!

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One handy thing about starting TOG early is that you can make notes on what books/resources/projects/etc you like and don't like and what's available, and what you prefer as a substitute, and so will save yourself some time later on :). I'm doing that now, but for every stage every year. Which reminds me - I have to get going on Unit 4. Have fun!


Ooooh, Susan, that sounds wonderful.......I don't suppose you'd share your findings, would you? :D

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I also am likely going to spend 1.5-2 years on it, rather than doing it all in one year (is it bad that I've mapped things out and determined that if my oldest gets one year behind on the history cycle, it will put my youngest right on for doing the 4 year cycle in high school, which means *I* would get to end with the most recent modern history? So yes, it's all about me :lol:).


Ha! I did something similar! I considered shrinking my eldest's history cycle just so DD #2 can start history in a nice orderly fashion with ancients. It is just so nice to start with ancients and be in a perfect chronological sequence. Order is just so lovely. BUT, I'm coming to grips with the reality that unless I space the births of my children "just so", it isn't going to happen. :lol: Actually, that is one reason I love TOG - children can be rolled in any ol' time. I know that SOTW Vol. 4 would be way too advanced for my upcoming 1st grader, but TOG will offer books better geared to her age. Nice! Order! Ahhhhh......

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Another great add in for LG is CHOW. We are using that with dd9. :)


I am using SOTW for UG.


What a good idea! We already have CHOW here at home and it doesn't look like as many chapters as SOTW...maybe easier to squeeze in. I also like the idea of saving SOTW until UG - I can't bear the thought of never using it and my daughter enjoys it, but she might get even more out of it then than now.


Is there anything that offers a coordinating schedule for CHOW and TOG? Or is it very simple to do on one's own?

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For a timeline, I'm thinking a very basic, big picture kind of thing - a printing press, Wittenberg door, Columbus's ships, Mayflower, etc. just to be able to point events that came before / after the "major" events.


Flow of history for L/R is definitely well defined - they have a timeline project and their study / discussion is constantly reviewing and relating the events of history to others.




Another good idea with the timeline! And thank you for that look forward in the L/R years - that is encouraging!

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Okay, good grief! HOW DO I MULTI-QUOTE???? I used to be a publisher, for crying out loud, and now I hardly know how hit "send".....


Thank you, everyone, for these great responses! I'm going to need that constant reminder to not try to accomplish everything!


With that said, beyond SOTW and CHOW, what are everyone's favorite Year 2 LG resources? What do I NOT want to miss?



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Okay, good grief! HOW DO I MULTI-QUOTE????


It's ok....I can't figure it out either. :tongue_smilie:


Hit the plus sign button next to the quote button. Just hit that on each post you want to quote, then when you're ready, hit the reply button at the bottom. It will put all the quotes in there (as I just did). ;)

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Hit the plus sign button next to the quote button. Just hit that on each post you want to quote, then when you're ready, hit the reply button at the bottom. It will put all the quotes in there (as I just did). ;)


Voila!!!! This is a proud moment for me. :)


That I don't know. I suppose you could look on the TOG Yr 2 history resources page.....also on the yahoo groups? or even ask if anyone one here has one to share.


I'll try to hunt one down - Thanks!

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Okay, good grief! HOW DO I MULTI-QUOTE???? I used to be a publisher, for crying out loud, and now I hardly know how hit "send".....


Thank you, everyone, for these great responses! I'm going to need that constant reminder to not try to accomplish everything!


With that said, beyond SOTW and CHOW, what are everyone's favorite Year 2 LG resources? What do I NOT want to miss?






Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're welcome!


Hit the plus sign button next to the quote button. Just hit that on each post you want to quote, then when you're ready, hit the reply button at the bottom. It will put all the quotes in there (as I just did). ;)


THANK YOU.......so much!


That I don't know. I suppose you could look on the TOG Yr 2 history resources page.....also on the yahoo groups? or even ask if anyone one here has one to share.


This is great. I've been wondering how to do this. :D

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Hit the plus sign button next to the quote button. Just hit that on each post you want to quote, then when you're ready, hit the reply button at the bottom. It will put all the quotes in there (as I just did). ;)


Ooooooo.....now I can even edit the multi-quotes! But, oh dear, I think at least three new multi-quoting monsters have been created! Boscopup, what have you done? :lol:


WOW! Me too, my first multi-quote! Never know what you'll find in a TOG thread! :D



And I know you've been following those TOG threads! The reason I know is because I've been following and drooling just as faithfully! That Sonlight 1/2 looks like a fun year as well!


This is great. I've been wondering how to do this. :D


This is all making me feel so much better, ladies. :)


Well, I've been looking at the TOG Year 2 books and they all look so great. I think I'm going to use SOTW in place of the Famous Men (will be saved for UG) and Usborne Encyc., but keep everything else. They all just look too good! DD is a voracious reader so I hope this satisfies her appetite. I had printed a list of TOG books for next year, cover pictures included, and after seeing the list she wrote this little note at the bottom: "I love these books!"


I guess that settles it. :tongue_smilie:

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But, oh dear, I think at least three new multi-quoting monsters have been created! Boscopup, what have you done? :lol:




Yep - have you noticed the EXTENSIVE use of multi-quotes on this thread!!!:D


And I know you've been following those TOG threads! The reason I know is because I've been following and drooling just as faithfully! That Sonlight 1/2 looks like a fun year as well!




Yep, I think there is some serious TOG-voyeurism going on on this board....



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