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Bad Mom Alert

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My dd14 is S.I.C.K.


She was up and in the shower at 7:00 am this morning so I knew something was wrong. This is my kid who would sleep til evening if I let her.


Turns out she has some sort of gastrointestinal nastiness, "evidence" of which was everywhere. She didn't make it out of bed before it hit, so the mess is all over her bed, from the pillow to the foot. And her bathroom is a wreck.


I don't mean to be cold, but I wished her well from afar and left her father to deal with it. I am the only employed person in the house and I'm BUSY, plus, I have to get on a plane for work in a couple of days. I work from home, so I shut her in her room, shut myself in my office and I have no intention of going near her until this passes.


Poor little thing could probably use a hug or a pat on the head or something from her mother, but there is NO WAY I'm going near her.


I have guilt.

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I would send her a little note under the door and probably do the same! But...this is coming from someone who has had 2 gastrointestinal bugs this year already! (No, not just in my house, but me actually having them)


Twice this year already? It's only February! Poor you!


Good idea, though, that you and porterjy had, about sending a note or card under her door. I just checked and she's sleeping, so I'll plan to do that later today.

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You're a good mom.

give her a card from work, or a text or whatever.


There have been times my dh has to leave for work during times like this.

He just calls later to check on everyone. no big deal really.


there was even a time a few weeks ago that I had to leave for work (I work 1 hour two days a week) when kids were sick. my 15 y.o understood and she was the sick one. She also likes to sleep for long amounts of time.





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Well, if that makes a mom a bad mom... I am in biiiiiiiig trouble.


Anytime our kids get a stomach bug... I am running in the opposite direction :eek:. Whenever possible, it is Dh who handles the gastrointestinal upsets (kids and pets-LOL). I have a very weak stomach for such and am a terrible nurse :tongue_smilie:. Of course when Dh isn't available, I suffer along with the kids. :svengo:

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Well, if that makes a mom a bad mom... I am in biiiiiiiig trouble.


Anytime our kids get a stomach bug... I am running in the opposite direction :eek:. Whenever possible, it is Dh who handles the gastrointestinal upsets (kids and pets-LOL). I have a very weak stomach for such and am a terrible nurse :tongue_smilie:. Of course when Dh isn't available, I suffer along with the kids. :svengo:


:auto: me too. Before we were married I made him promise that these moments were all his. I only felt a teensy bit guilty when ds4 did projectile blue vomit all over the upstairs on his way to the bathroom.


I did get him a pair of gloves.

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