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Thoughts on how to respond to my dd's attempt to hoodwink me.

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So we're part of a coop in which her class is doing a 6 week unit. Part of the unit has been writing a progressive story. At the beginning of the unit the teacher presented it to the kids and the parents together and said, "Please consider suspending your history curriculum for the next 6 weeks so that they can focus completely on what I'm teaching here. ......"


After much consideration and chatting with other mom's who've BTDT I told my dd that we wouldn't be suspending our schedule because we're using MFW and so much of the subjects are intertwined and not doing history would really mess it up. AND the other moms I spoke with who are doing the class this year said they're not taking the teacher's advice so she wouldn't be the only kiddo doing this. AND she'd have to work a bit harder to get it all done, but that I thought she was capable since she typically finished what I've scheduled by 3 p.m. or earlier.


Last week she tells me that she didn't get the coop home work done, "And I told my teacher that it's because you are making me do my other history homework and I don't have time." OK so we had a chat about not blaming me for her choices of how she spent her free time.


This week at 8 p.m. she comes and miserably hands me her homework for coop this week. It's the last assignment and she's not done a thing. Nothing! "I guess I just can't get it all done because you're making me do my other school work."


It's a typed paper that puts together all the writing assignments into the final draft of the story.


I'm flabbergasted. Part of me just wants to scream at her. Then I think well perhaps I can type it up for her. But I want to be sure to discipline her in a way that truly drives home that this is HER choice.


She's been done with her school work since 3 p.m. and when I asked her how she spent that time she said, "I was resting."


She's being a bit snarky with me and I'm just not sure how to deal. She's my first and I'm speechless.



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My daughter has done something like this in the past. My only response was that I was sorry she would be up so late getting her homework done. I have made her stay up until it was done. Yes, I had to stay up also. I work full time, am a single mom and she wasn't done until 4:00 am. I made her get up at the normal 6:00 am time also. She hasn't tried to pull that one since!:grouphug:

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My only response was that I was sorry she would be up so late getting her homework done. I have made her stay up until it was done. Yes, I had to stay up also. I work full time, am a single mom and she wasn't done until 4:00 am. I made her get up at the normal 6:00 am time also. She hasn't tried to pull that one since!:grouphug:



This is what I would do.

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First, I would have to asses wether it is "too much" work. If it is the co-op would go.

Seperatly from that we would still have to deal with the fact that dd felt it was appropriate to "throw mamma under the bus" to her teacher. Then we would discuss how she has been spending her time. Then SHE would stay up typeing her assignment and writing an apology to her instructor. (I might not actually make her give the note, it would depend on her attitude.)


I would stand by her, stay awake with her...but "I" would consider this the start of some very bad habits. The biggest being "blame shifting."

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First, I would have to asses wether it is "too much" work. If it is the co-op would go.

Seperatly from that we would still have to deal with the fact that dd felt it was appropriate to "throw mamma under the bus" to her teacher. Then we would discuss how she has been spending her time. Then SHE would stay up typeing her assignment and writing an apology to her instructor. (I might not actually make her give the note, it would depend on her attitude.)


I would stand by her, stay awake with her...but "I" would consider this the start of some very bad habits. The biggest being "blame shifting."

:iagree: This is what is upsetting me the most. Thank you for giving it a name. I just couldn't think what to call it.


I can't stay up with her and function. My chronic health issues and six lively children . . . no sleep increases pain and inability to cope.


I have a hard time believing this is just too much for her. She did all the Extra Credit and the assignments for the first 4 weeks. Just the last two weeks. The coop is for enrichment. It's not supposed to replace. That is in the statements when you first join.


Yes, discussions about her choice of time spent has been brought up. When/IF she finishes this assignment there's going to be some major revamping of her daily schedule. I'm thinking this is going on elsewhere in her work too.

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Hmmm... I have a few random thoughts --


- the teacher had no business telling the kids that their parents should change their HOMEschool curriculum


- no, your dd should not have blamed you, but that's not a school issue so doesn't need to affect school this time


- you are a busy mom and should only have to school during school hours


- if your dd was in 7th or above, I might require her to finish the credit by doing homework, but at 5th grade I personally think 3 p.m. is enough brain concentration (depending on whether she started at 8-9 a.m. or is a late starter), so I'd let it go


- to teach her "something" out of this, I'd look at which would leave the most lasting impression: (a) not allow her to continue the class because she hasn't done what the teacher asked, or (b) have her attend the class and tell the teacher she chose not to do her homework. Then I'd move on.



Just some other ways of thinking about things,


Edited by Julie in MN
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:iagree: This is what is upsetting me the most. Thank you for giving it a name. I just couldn't think what to call it.


I can't stay up with her and function. My chronic health issues and six lively children . . . no sleep increases pain and inability to cope.


I have a hard time believing this is just too much for her. She did all the Extra Credit and the assignments for the first 4 weeks. Just the last two weeks. The coop is for enrichment. It's not supposed to replace. That is in the statements when you first join.


Yes, discussions about her choice of time spent has been brought up. When/IF she finishes this assignment there's going to be some major revamping of her daily schedule. I'm thinking this is going on elsewhere in her work too.


I figured you had already done most of that :D. You sound like a good Mama!!!! and yes, health issues get you a go to bed early card ;). She's obviously a smart kiddo too!

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I figured you had already done most of that :D. You sound like a good Mama!!!! and yes, health issues get you a go to bed early card ;). She's obviously a smart kiddo too!



Thank you.


She got it done at 1 a.m.


I went to be at 10 p.m.


She got up on time, with a smile, cheerfully helpful in getting ready to go.


She didn't win the prize for completing this unit. But she's was a good sport about it.


We talked about blaming game and how this is the oldest argument known to man/women (Adam & Eve). She's got a bad habit with this one. I asked if she'd brushed her teeth this morning and she turned it back on me and said no, "Because you told me to get dressed and get downstairs." :001_huh: So we have some work ahead.

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We talked about blaming game and how this is the oldest argument known to man/women (Adam & Eve). She's got a bad habit with this one. I asked if she'd brushed her teeth this morning and she turned it back on me and said no, "Because you told me to get dressed and get downstairs." :001_huh: So we have some work ahead.


Sounds like my dd9. I am so lost. I scream, and that seems to only make things worse. "If you stop yelling, I'll do it." After I already asked her nicely several times. :banghead:



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