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Aesops fables audio version recommendation

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My kids have just started getting into books on CD. We have a very short commute most of the time so I'm looking for something my 6 and 3.5 yo will like. They really enjoyed Charlotte's Web even though it took some time to get through it b/c I only let them listen in the car. But I tried the Chronicles of Narnia and it got either too scary or was way too drawn out that they couldn't recall the story by the time they finished it.


I'm looking to start a read aloud version of Aesop's tales however, if anyone has some good recommendations for CD versions please let me know (specifically reciter/publisher/version) There are so many out there I'm not sure which one is better. I also briefly saw the thread about abridged vs nonabridged classics and think I'm on the side of getting the abridged version or one made for a younger audience just to get them hooked initially. I guess it just depends on the length of the story versus loss of grammar structure. Because we got the unabridged Charlotte's Web and they could handle it and actually learned some old english vocab from it.

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Don't know about Aesop, but you might look for the Uncle Remus and Old Mother West Wind books read by Julius Lester. Our library had them, and they are WONDERFUL, oh my, with shorter stories like you're saying. Long books are better for at home or on a long car trip. Also try the Little House series, maybe Farmer Boy.

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