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Would you cut down a huge, mature tree so you could have a garden?

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Are you sure that 1000 will pay for the removal? ABout 16 years ago, we were living in Ohio so not a very expensive place to live. We had a cottonwood that we wanted to remove since it really was to big of a tree for the lot and it overhung the roof by a lot. I don't remember the exact cost for removal but it was more than 1000. I think it was more like 2000 and that was 16 years ago. We didn't have it done but I also know that the price included removal of the tree but not the stump or roots. I have no idea how much more that would be.

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We live in the forest, so keep that in mind when you read my vote!


I say remove the tree. We took out some in front of our house that had been casting too much shade to grow a garden. I don't know why we didn't do it earlier! (Well, yes, I do.. I grew up in TX and would have rather cut off my left arm than cut down a big tree!).


We now get sun in the winter (!!!) and plenty of sun to hang out laundry and grow plants. Every bit of the cut down tree was used as fire starter, moved to make habitat for small animals, or shredded and put back on the ground where the tree would have naturally decomposed. As an added benefit, it turns out the other trees are thriving now that they don't have to share water resources.


All in all, judicious management of your property benefits the entire microcosm. Growing food (reducing trucking) is one of the most frugal, greenest, and most satisfying things you can do.


Definitely look into selling the wood... even pin oak is marketable, right?

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I dont think I could do it and I really love my vegie gardens. Trees a like wise old beings, like someone else said. Also, it sounds like it is saving you a lot of electricity in air conditioning etc. and the truth is vegetable gardens don't necessarily save you a lot of money.


But if it was possible to trim it right back in a particular place to get some sunlight in- I would look at that option seriously. Otherwise I think I would make my peace with some herbs and greens.

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