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Need advice on how to plan an 8 day trip to Japan.

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My son and I are going to Japan for 8 days, and I have no idea how to plan or what to expect. We are going to base ourselves in Tokyo, do lots of sightseeing in the city, and plan some day trips out of the city.


How do we find out what are the must-sees in Tokyo? I know my son would like to take in the technology district, but what else?


What are the must-see day trips that are feasible and worth the time and money? Mt Fuji?


How difficult will it be to make our way around not knowing the language?


Any books or websites you can suggest?


Thanks for any help,



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Let's see. It has been years since I lived in Tokyo and then it wasn't as a tourist. The Tsukiji fish market is a popular place to go but you have to go early in the morning. The tech district is at Akihabara. Transportation by train (electric) is easy and signs are in English as well as Japanese. Many people know at least some English. Mount Fuji is 60 miles from Tokyo and would be more than a day trip. I would suggest that you find a good tour book. There are some nice shrines and temples in Tokyo.

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My ds highly reccomends a trip to Kamakura

it is a 2 hour bus trip from Tokyo, but is one of his favorite places.


The Imperial Palace is also worth the trip, but make sure you verify it is open.


Shibuya (near the Shibuya station) is a terrific place to get a good Tokyo-is-really-big-and-different feeling. It is also the train station with the statue of Hachikō.


Everything is very expensive. Transportation from the airport is extremely expensive - a cab ride is insanely expensive from the airport to town.


A tip from my ds's girlfriend is to not wear a skirt on the train.


My ds said that Mt Fugi is usally very crowded, but there is a terrific amusement part near it (I don't recall the name).


Many places don't take credit cards, only cash. The 7-11s have atms that you can use if you are in town and need cash.


enjoy your trip.

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Ohooo, fun!!!


We live just south of Yokohama, which is the largest suburb of Tokyo and are about an hour away from Tokyo.


When are you coming??


I second the recommendation to go to Kamakura.


So, first question: When are you coming?




ETA: I sent you a PM with my email address on it, just in case this thread gets lost!

Edited by mommytobees
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My son, who just got back from Japan, confirmed this. (Karen - he is back safe and had a fantastic visit and learned a ton - thank you.) He says a skirt on the train is an invitation. And he says that they made it very difficult to get out of the airport without getting into a taxi. He said he and the woman he was traveling with could see the temple they were staying at through the fence from the airport, but there were 4 checkpoint to get out. At each checkpoint, they had to show their passport and paperwork and say where they were staying and they still tried to keep them from proceeding to the next checkpoint on foot. At the last one, they point blank told them they could not leave. They had to go back and get in a taxi, where the meter immediately jumped to $12. Maybe there is another way to get out of the airport on foot, but they couldn't find it. He says Kamakura was fun, and so was the museum of the man who did Spirited Away and the robotics museum.


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I've never been to Japan, sadly, and this might be a bit of a strange suggestion unless you're planning to go to Tokyo Disneyland, but I love this trip report:




A whole lot of it has to do with Tokyo Disneyland, but there's also an introduction with a lot of general travel information about Japan, and they do spend a lot of time seeing other stuff in Tokyo and around it. It's all broken up into different days and topics, so you can easily skip the parts that won't help you.

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