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? for those doing or have done the 30 Day Shred

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Hi all! I just made it (barely) through my first day on Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred DVD. Am I supposed to be trying to do this everyday? I finished it, but with lots of breaks. Also, if you've made it 30 days, please tell me I'll be able to finish the whole thing one day and become more flexible :tongue_smilie:?!?!?!?!?!?!



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I like the idea of kickstarting off a workout routine, but I worry about doing 30 days in a row of that DVD. You are supposed to give muscle groups 48 hours to rest between toning sessions. Also, if you had a hard time making it through the DVD, I wouldn't do it 30 days in a row. I don't want you to get injured and have to put the brakes on your fitness program. I would do it 3-4 times a week and walk, swim or ride bikes on the other days (or take them off). I am not a fitness professional, but I have lost a lot of baby weight over the years and learned a lot about it. Maybe someone who has actually done this can shed more light on it. I have done the DVD and liked it (but thought it was too short and a little repetitive for me).

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Rah-rah-sis-boom-ba! Do we have cheerleader smilie???


I could barely walk after the first day of the Shred. You will be AMAZED at how quickly you will progress if you stick with it. I did Level 1 for 9 days, Level 2 for 11 days, and Level 3 for 10 days. As sore as I was at the beginning, I was ready to "move on" after 9 days. Yes, you are so supposed to do it for 30 days in a row. I think it took me about 34. I missed some days b/c we took a weekend trip. I kept a sheet of paper and put a hash mark on it each day I did it.


I was never an exerciser, but the Shred is what got me going. I decided that I could do anything for 30 days, so it matched my mindset. I moved on to her No More Trouble Zones which I much prefer as it is less jumpy. I really do not care for aerobic-type exercise. I should do more, but I don't.


Honestly, stick with it and try to do it every day. You will be really sore for the first 3 or 4 days, and then it will get better. You will be sore when you move "up" a level, but then it will get better. Hang in there!

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Hi all! I just made it (barely) through my first day on Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred DVD. Am I supposed to be trying to do this everyday? I finished it, but with lots of breaks. Also, if you've made it 30 days, please tell me I'll be able to finish the whole thing one day and become more flexible :tongue_smilie:?!?!?!?!?!?!




Just a little warning -- you will not be able to walk tomorrow. I was literally crawling down the stairs to get the laundry. But, if you stick with it, you won't be sore by around day 5, and then you will start to feel amazing.


I fell off the bandwagon several months ago and would like to get back on before summer arrives and I want to be hiking again. I've been down with a stomach bug for a few days, and there's a speech tournament this week, so it will have to wait until next week.


Best wishes!

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I did the Shred in December. The first few days were the worst.


I did level 1 for 10 days, took one day off, did level 2 for 10 days, took one day off, and did level 3 for 10 days. Now I do one of the levels every other day, and sometimes do two levels in a row, if I want a really good workout. You will improve to this level if you keep at it.


As for the muscle fatigue and recovery, I had been taught that you have to wait 48 hour between weight workouts, too, but I just trusted Jillian and wasn't disappointed. I would say if your muscles are getting really fatigued and aren't recovering enough between workouts, then lighten the weights or do it without the weights every other day. Or, do level 1 every other day until you feel like you would like to try it several days in a row. You do want to avoid injury, but you want to press yourself too; it's a fine line sometimes. The main thing is to be consistent. You will progress. You will even get to enjoy it (sort of). I have stronger arms and abs than I've ever had!


Good luck, hang in there!

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I just finished Shred a couple of weeks ago (started Dec 27), and did it every single day for 30 days, no breaks. And yes, it definitely gets easier! Like a pp said, I found myself ready to move on. And what a HUGE difference by the end in terms of endurance. Wow. I was very careful to follow her directions regarding correct form, and I did not suffer any injuries.


After finishing, I went back and did Level 1 again just for kicks, and found it way too easy--I had to add a bunch of weights in to make the workout tougher. And I still have tons of weight to lose, and am not a fit or athletic person, so that's saying something.


I've moved on from Shred and am on week 2 of ChaLEAN Extreme now, but in the past six weeks, thanks mostly to Shred, I've already dropped a dress size. Even though Jillian's not my favorite trainer, nor did I ever really love the Shred workouts, I'm a very grateful and eternal fan of the program.

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I started the Shred last week and I'm only doing it 3 times/week. I wondered the same thing about doing it daily but considering I am not a motivated exerciser (word?), I figured some was better than none!!! I was sore after the first day but it eased up and I couldn't believe how much easier it was today! I'm not so concerned with losing weight but with toning, gaining flexibility and helping my overall health. I was encouraged by the other posters so thanks for posting your question! Good luck!

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Congratulations! I have been doing the shred since just before Thanksgiving and IDEALLY, yes, you would do it every day, but let's be serious for a moment . . . ;) I have been doing it 3-4 times a week (and eating better, cutting WAY back on sugar) and have lost 13 pounds out of the 25 I have to lose. I just went to level 2 a couple of weeks ago, so am anticipating losing a few more pounds pretty quickly because it is quite a bit harder.

If you keep it up, slow and steady, you WILL see your body changing shape and you WILL feel better - I promise! It works. And, the more often you do it, the faster the results, so it is up to you how you progress. I went from NO exercise to being able to do level 2 - granted, it took me two months to get there, but I am totally fine with that. :D

Way to go!!! Keep it up!!! :001_smile:

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Thanks everyone! I am not super sore today (probably my upper body the most from the push-ups), but I usually get really sore the 2nd day after for some reason. I'm going to muddle through it again today. I'm 43 and I want to lose 30 pounds and get in shape. It's not going to happen by itself. Thanks for all the encouragement!!!



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Do it every day, IF YOU CAN. Don't hurt yourself or anything, but if you've exercised before you know that there is the oh-my-goodness-it-hurts-but-I-guess-I'll-suck-it-up-for-you-Jillian...and then there is the ouch-something-is-wrong-I-gotta-stop-NOW...you just need to be able to tell the difference. Yes, you will have pain the next day, but oh it hurts so good. :lol:


I love the Shred, keep at it. I promise it will get easier. :001_smile:

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  • 1 month later...

reviving an old thread because I started back on the shred today. I had gotten into it in the fall and got really fit. The shred became too easy, and I had to move up to some other dvds. But I fell of the wagon, and just started back today. I am 95 pounds and have no weight to lose, but my body was feeling stiff and icky, my self-esteem was low, and I am feeling burnt out on schooling- in short, I knew I needed to get working out again. She did not disappoint! I thought I was going to throw up during some of the cardio parts (the punching gets me for some reason) but I did it and I already feel SOOOO much better already. Can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it again, LOL!

Anyone else getting shredded?

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The first few days have been the worse for me...I'm on day 6 and it's getting better, I've been doing it everyday with my best friend... the first few days I was soooo sore I could barely move but now I can get through it just fine, I'm sure it'll get harder but I'm already getting a bit more flexible and having more energy, I'm even doing other workout videos with it if I have time...


I figure it's only 20 min. and if that's the only time I'm putting into then it had better be hard or I don't feel like it's worth it...

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I just finished 30 Day Shred. I was exercising daily before I started and the first level was pretty easy for me. The second was a reasonable step up and the third was really fun (in a sadistic sort of way)! I added walking 30-60 min/day after I finished the video and doing the 200 sit-up and 100 push-up challenges (on alternating days) some time in level 2.


Enjoy Shred. By the time you are done you can up it to something else. I started Bob Harper's Cardo Conditioning video today and I can hardly move!

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I just finished 30 Day Shred. I was exercising daily before I started and the first level was pretty easy for me. The second was a reasonable step up and the third was really fun (in a sadistic sort of way)! I added walking 30-60 min/day after I finished the video and doing the 200 sit-up and 100 push-up challenges (on alternating days) some time in level 2.


Enjoy Shred. By the time you are done you can up it to something else. I started Bob Harper's Cardo Conditioning video today and I can hardly move!

30DS had gotten too easy for me as well (as had No More Trouble Zones, and Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism), so now I've moved on to Bob. :lol: His workouts are KILLER, once you get past the annoying camera work. :glare: I have the Cardio Conditioning, and the other one that's weight training (forget the name of it, but it's the one that uses dumbells, NOT kettlebells), and it is kick. butt. Just ignore the facial expressions of the "modification" girl. :tongue_smilie:

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30DS had gotten too easy for me as well (as had No More Trouble Zones, and Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism), so now I've moved on to Bob. :lol: His workouts are KILLER, once you get past the annoying camera work. :glare: I have the Cardio Conditioning, and the other one that's weight training (forget the name of it, but it's the one that uses dumbells, NOT kettlebells), and it is kick. butt. Just ignore the facial expressions of the "modification" girl. :tongue_smilie:


I would love to know the name of the one that uses dumbbells. Can you tell me about it? How long is it?



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I wouldn't take breaks but just do your current maximum each time. It's designed to keep your heart rate up through the interval and resting will decrease your benefit. Drop your weights, do knee push-ups, do every-other rep, etc. And if you do it every day for 30 days, you'll definitely see improvement! If you're not at the maximum workout after 30 days, start over and step it up. Even Level 1 can be a serious butt kicker if you increase your weights, etc.


I would actually recommend using 30-Day Shred workouts every other day, alternating with a cardio workout (Bob's CardioMax is a serious killer!). Or, if you're up for it, CardioMax first and then 30-Day Shred back to back, resting every other day. Even in the peak of my physical conditioning, I found those two workouts quite challenging.

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reviving an old thread because I started back on the shred today. I had gotten into it in the fall and got really fit. The shred became too easy, and I had to move up to some other dvds. But I fell of the wagon, and just started back today. I am 95 pounds and have no weight to lose, but my body was feeling stiff and icky, my self-esteem was low, and I am feeling burnt out on schooling- in short, I knew I needed to get working out again. She did not disappoint! I thought I was going to throw up during some of the cardio parts (the punching gets me for some reason) but I did it and I already feel SOOOO much better already. Can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it again, LOL!

Anyone else getting shredded?

O.K., I'm starting tomorrow!!! I keep thinking, "I'm going to start". Your post was the kick I needed.:)


I've done the level 1 workout several times, but never more than 5 days in a row.:blush: I know I can do it, I just need to be held accountable.

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I would love to know the name of the one that uses dumbbells. Can you tell me about it? How long is it?



Pure Burn/Super Strength is the name of it. There's 2 workouts on the DVD. One is 68 minutes, and the other is 20 (including warm-up and cool-down)


Here's the link to it on collagevideo.com: http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/bob-harpers-pure-burn-super-strength-5868

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Maybe we should start a new thread, one where we post each day saying we did our workout, whatever it might be?

I am starting to feel a bit sore, but it hurts so good. Can't wait for tomorrow. I am glad to be back on the wagon. Not sure why I stayed off so long, it seemed so HUGE to take the step to work out again, but once I did it, it didn't take much time and wasn't a big deal. Why do I quit a good thing?!?!

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Maybe we should start a new thread, one where we post each day saying we did our workout, whatever it might be?

I am starting to feel a bit sore, but it hurts so good. Can't wait for tomorrow. I am glad to be back on the wagon. Not sure why I stayed off so long, it seemed so HUGE to take the step to work out again, but once I did it, it didn't take much time and wasn't a big deal. Why do I quit a good thing?!?!

Yes, lets do start a new thread. What should we call it? Daily exercisers? Workout log? Hmm, those are not good. We could start a new thread once a week or once a month. I would love to hear about different workouts. I already saw several in this thread that I didn't know about.



I did Shred this morning. It was good, but hard of course. I'm printing a calendar so I can mark off the days.

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Maybe we should start a new thread, one where we post each day saying we did our workout, whatever it might be?

I am starting to feel a bit sore, but it hurts so good. Can't wait for tomorrow. I am glad to be back on the wagon. Not sure why I stayed off so long, it seemed so HUGE to take the step to work out again, but once I did it, it didn't take much time and wasn't a big deal. Why do I quit a good thing?!?!


We do that in the Weight Loss Challenge social group. It is very motivational. We post what we did and for how many minutes and we total minutes for each month. It is a lot of fun. I'm winning so far this month with 1340 minutes after a slow start to the month because of being sick:D.


It is a lot of fun to see what other people are doing for workouts. It is very motivational!


BTW, I am so sore after the first workout with Bob today. I am wondering how I will survive doing it again today! I never got sore from Shred. Bob is brutal! (but I love it)

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We do that in the Weight Loss Challenge social group. It is very motivational. We post what we did and for how many minutes and we total minutes for each month. It is a lot of fun.


Oh, ditto to all of that. Here's the link to the group: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=129.


I did Shred in January (lost 16 pounds!) and am about to start my final month of ChaLean Extreme (lost 17 pounds on CE so far). Having an accountability group has been such a lifechanger. Even if Momto2 is kicking my booty this month.

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We do that in the Weight Loss Challenge social group. It is very motivational. We post what we did and for how many minutes and we total minutes for each month. It is a lot of fun. I'm winning so far this month with 1340 minutes after a slow start to the month because of being sick:D.


It is a lot of fun to see what other people are doing for workouts. It is very motivational!


BTW, I am so sore after the first workout with Bob today. I am wondering how I will survive doing it again today! I never got sore from Shred. Bob is brutal! (but I love it)

Joined the group. Thanks!:)

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