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Doing 2 math programs or methods...


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I am using two different approaches to math this year. For those who combine two different programs or approaches, do you increase the amount of time spent on math?


I've increased the time spent on math slightly and I've found progress is slower in our main math program because of the time spent elsewhere. But I've seen positive changes because of the second approach. Both of my boys enjoy math now and their depth of understanding has increased greatly.


So, for those who have done this do you find it all works out years later? By this I mean if you did not finish a years worth of math, did you find that you child "caught up" later on because of the greater foundation built?

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I am using two different approaches to math this year. For those who combine two different programs or approaches, do you increase the amount of time spent on math?


I've increased the time spent on math slightly and I've found progress is slower in our main math program because of the time spent elsewhere. But I've seen positive changes because of the second approach. Both of my boys enjoy math now and their depth of understanding has increased greatly.


So, for those who have done this do you find it all works out years later? By this I mean if you did not finish a years worth of math, did you find that you child "caught up" later on because of the greater foundation built?

Here I both make more time for it on a daily basis and allow the kiddos to slip behind "grade level". Because the general structure of most math programs is to cover all concepts in K-6 then review and take concepts one step farther in 7-8 and then start Algebra in 9th, I have found you can slip a couple of years and still be fine. The lowest NP math score we have gotten on the CAT 5 is 75%.


My kids won't be ahead, but they are right on schedule and have a solid foundation.



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We do math year-round in the early grades, even if very little other school is done. I also start math curricula earlier than it says on the box, in most cases–e.g., ds is finishing up the first Miquon book and he's in K, and we started Right Start A during his 'pre-k' year. So he'll be on track to still finish the last Miquon book by the end of third grade, and to finish Right Start E in third or fourth grade.

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We are ahead of grade level doing Algebra 1 for 7th grade, so I feel I have time to spend. Four days a week, ds does Foerster Algebra I and then on Fridays, reads in Life of Fred: Beginning Algebra. He has 2 or 3 worksheets from MM to turn in as homework that review other concepts. I have made some adjustments to how I teach him so the amount of time is about the same as last year, but he is happier and retaining more.

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MEP has 35 weeks a year, and we school for 40. So no worries about being behind. Right now I extend our math time when we supplement (a second session) or we do the extra on Fridays. (MEP doesn't have any teacher's notes for the 5th day, just the worksheets.)

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Thanks! I've been doing an average of 30 minutes of math a day - probably not enough then.


I don't know the age of your children but I start out slow and build as we go. Right Start is our main program, but it is light on Worksheets. Though K and 1st grade all I do is RS. Then in 2nd grade we continue with RS but I add in Singapore 1A. They do 2 pages a day. In 3rd grade that goes up to 3 pages per day, and in 4th grade it goes up to 4 pages. Then when they get up to level 4 their is a lot more work on each page, and my kids need more...absorb it time...so I often back it down to 3 pages. Basically from then on out I go back and forth between 3 and 4 depending on the concepts.


Also keep in mind that middle school often has a lot of review, so you have room to be "behind" and still start Algebra in 9th. For example my oldest is doing RS Geometry, which ideally is done in 5th and 6th with a Prealgebra program. She is in 7th grade. But she will finish both her Prealgebra and Geometry before 9th grade. She won't be on an advanced path, but she isn't mathy anyway. She will have a very strong foundation.



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