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Poll Take Two: What is buttermilk?

What is buttermilk?  

  1. 1. What is buttermilk?

    • It's the liquid left after making butter and I'm from the US.
    • It's the liquid left after making butter and I'm from outside the US (and this is where . . .)
    • It's cultured milk.
    • It's the cultured post-butter whey.
    • It's the cultured post-butter whey and I'll post a recipe/technique for you.
    • other!

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I make my own butter and as a happy consequence, I have buttermilk left over. I always thougt everyone drank it cultured but, no, many cultures drink just post-butter milk or whey. Actually, to my palate, it's possibly preferable. Still, I'd like to experiment with making my own cultured buttermilk and looked around for recipes. I can find tons of recipes for using plain milk and a bit of left-over buttermilk but non for using actual buttermilk and cultures. odd, imho.


So, what about you? What is buttermilk to you, where are you from, and do you have a buttermilk and culture recipe for me?


Sorry I have to hurry and post b/f my dog deletes the whole thing. No editing at the mo.

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I think buttermilk was originally the milk left over from making butter. Butter was more readily made from milk which had sat for a period of time (and during that time it developed a certain kind of bacteria). Usually it was lower in fat, the fat having glommed together for the butter and removed.


Modern buttermilk is cultured milk. A bacterial starter is added to the milk and it's kept at a certain temperature (slightly warm)...much like yogurt.


I do this myself. I buy a quart of buttermilk and as it gets low I add more milk, shake it up, and set it out near the stove. In 24 hours I have more buttermilk and I refrigerate it.


I'm from the US.

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In an old fashioned world, buttermilk was the liquid left after butter making.


Nowadays, the buttermilk you buy from the store is cultured milk. They add culture to the milk to sour it.


Did ya know that you can substitute anything sour (sour cream, sour milk, yogurt, cottage cheese) in a recipe for buttermilk? I always add a bit of water or regular milk to get the texture right, but it works.


(ETA: I'm from the Us and I voted other)

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