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Mastery Based Science Like Sonlight?


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Is there such a thing? We are doing Apologia because DD and DH, and yes I, prefer mastery in this subject - digging in deep so the dc actually remember something.


BUT, SL Science keeps calling me. It's the schedule...and the real books. We love our Core K!


So, is there a science like Apologia in that it's Christian and digs into a topic, BUT also schedules in supplementary books, like a biography, and living fiction on the topic?


I'm doing Astronomy with a 2nd, so any suggestions on book choices will also be gratefully accepted.:auto:

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I was just thinking whether the term 'mastery' can really apply to science programs? In math, the idea of a curriculum being 'mastery' kind of makes sense because there are specific skills to 'master' (counting, adding, finding the area of a circle, etc...) and a limited number of them can be done by elementary students. But how do you master biology? There really aren't a lot of 'skills' in biology -- it is more about the knowledge and there is always more a person could potentially learn. But then again... ? Anyway, I'm curious what you find and hope you can find a science program like what you're envisioning!

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You are right. I don't really count knowledge topics as being mastered or not. I'm not sure why, but I sort of compare camping out in one topic area to a mastery approach, and jumping around to a spiraling approach if we were comparing science to math.


Apples and oranges though.


Morning. More coffee....

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Is there such a thing? We are doing Apologia because DD and DH, and yes I, prefer mastery in this subject - digging in deep so the dc actually remember something.


BUT, SL Science keeps calling me. It's the schedule...and the real books. We love our Core K!


So, is there a science like Apologia in that it's Christian and digs into a topic, BUT also schedules in supplementary books, like a biography, and living fiction on the topic?


I'm doing Astronomy with a 2nd, so any suggestions on book choices will also be gratefully accepted.:auto:


Check out Noeo Science. The SL science calls out to me too because of the books but I don't like bouncing around so much between topics. Noeo is similar but focuses on a single discipline each year. They cycle through chemistry, biology, and physics. Unfortunately, they don't have astronomy but split it up into the three other topics (mostly physics). We're doing Chem I right now and like it a lot. I'm planning on adding the Apologia books in future years just because we can't get enough science around here.

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BUT, SL Science keeps calling me. It's the schedule...and the real books. We love our Core K!




Actually going through all of the topics of Sonlight Science K is how we discovered that my big girl has a strong interest in Chemistry. I would have never guessed that otherwise! We are actually detouring to Noeo Chemistry then heading back to SL. Later on, I would like to use the God's Design books from AiG.


One thing we did, was take time away from the SL schedule to dig deeper on certain topics of interest - which is why it took us a year to get through it.

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I have done several SL Sciences and all but the Human Body Apologia Elementary books. Both are great although I can honestly say my son has retained a ton of the Apologia curriculum but as for the SL, not so much. He has pulled from the things learned in Apologia long after we finished the books. When we did the SL science we very quickly stopped using the IG as intended. We would work through the books and experiments relating to a certain topic before moving on to a new topic and the books to go with it. It isn't hard to do this, just some pre planning and rearranging.

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Hmmmm...I'm not sure I would call SL science mastery based. We've done Science K, 1 and 2 and many topics are repeated each year. Animals and the Human Body come to mind. I'm actually getting a little bored with SL science myself and it's a bit frustrating when my DS goes to fill out the activity sheet for questions on the ear (for example) and he uses the advanced terminology and all that was covered in the book was "bones in the middle ear" and "the inner ear." I often think to myself, "WHY am I using this again?" "Oh, I wanted something structured since I have a toddler and I wanted to keep my DS8 and DS7 together". We do love the Discover & Do DVDs.

Anway, what about R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey?

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I didn't realize the journals had booklists! That would certainly help. We already have a lapbook for this text, and we don't use the HWT penmanship style, so those are...sort of unnecessary for us. The schedule and booklist is nice though, but worth it? Hmm...


Hey, on the astronomy front, I found this:




And I HAVE that astronomy guide on my computer, I just need to buy some lit!

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Thanks also for that link to Real Science 4 Kids Shelz. It is awesome. My DD and I were up until 10 p.m. last night, and read 1/3rd of the student text together. She loves it, and I'm convinced she now knows more chemistry than most adults (not hard to do)!


In any case, I'm wondering if anyone has lit suggestions for those courses somewhere? I haven't looked through the teacher's manual yet, just the student text. Online courses don't work for us because we're on dial-up, but I'd be MORE than happy to do it with her after we finish astronomy maybe... :).

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