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(crosspost) I meant to put it here. What are your longterm goals for Latin?


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know where I want them to be in high school for Math, Science, Literature, History, Bible, etc. But I'm not sure about Latin. If I pin down Latin long term that should help with what to do today, right?


How much Latin do you plan for your own kiddos?


Thanks for the info,

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Our goals are to be fluent in reading and writing Latin and, if possible, speaking and listening as well.

We use LFC right now and am very happy with it. I'm not really sure where we'll go from there, DD9 has at least two more years of it and the younger ones haven't started.

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I want both kids to have that understanding of the basis of our language, and the mental training Latin provides.


My dd's skills are heavily language arts and foreign language oriented. I would like her to pass the Latin AP. The training will strengthen her language arts and foreign language study, and the AP test on her transcript will help smooth the way to college.


Ds' skills are more math and science. As such, I plan on him specializing more in those areas, so I do not see him having as much time for serious Latin study. In his case, I am not sure how far he will go with it. We will start Latin and do it at least 2-3 years, but then we will likely stop so that he can put his time into his areas of specialty.

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For us, Latin is secondary to Greek and Hebrew. I want my dc to be able to read the Bible in the original languages. That being said, I would also like for them to have a "working knowledge" of Latin. It's less important to me for them to read classic literature in Latin, but I do want them to understand the Latin roots of English vocabulary and grammar.


My dc are in K and 2nd this year, and we are focusing on Hebrew at present. I plan to gently introduce some Latin vocabulary when my oldest is in 3rd, using PL, which I happen to have on my shelf. I'd like them to continue with Latin through Jr. High and possibly 2 years in HS. However, at some point, I will also encourage them to choose one (or two) classical language(s) to pursue in a more in depth way during the HS and college years.


Of course, these are my thoughts now - my ideas may change over time as we tackle 3 classical languages in the grammar school years. If I keep my goals realistic, however, and take things slowly, I hope we will be able to do it.

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I want my dd to have read a few key authors - Cicero and Vergil, particularly, plus some Christian writers like Augustine - in Latin before she finishes high school. AP credit would be a nice plus, but I'm not wedded to the idea.


That sums up my long term goals, too. I plan for my children to continue Latin study through high school.

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