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Summer School

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Will anyone else do school during the summer? We'll take off all June, and have two weeks on/off in July and August. It'll avoid brain-drain and the necessary 6 wk review which follows. We'll have to be very flexible in hours due to sports practices and the ever-present summer sleepovers and night swims :)


Anyone else care to share their plans?

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This will be our first year doing a year-round schedule. My plan is flexible to allow for swim team, plenty of recreation time, personal interest projects, etc. We won't be finished our "normal" year until somewhere near mid-June. I plan to take 2 weeks off (one of which is a vacation w/ my dh's family) and then start up after the 4th of July w/ a "light" schedule. Math 4-5 days (that could include simple drills, a worksheet, games, pract. w/ trouble spots, etc.). LA will be covered by LLATL (I won't start them on the normal spelling, grammar, reading until late Aug.) 4-5 days. I hope to start LC1 and do a few Units of Apol. Zoo. 1. Dd11 will continue Spanish 3x/wk or so. I have many plans, but realize this will be a transition for my dc. They've never schooled through the summer and while they realize it will give us so much more flexibility during the "normal" year...I'm sure I'll still be met with many, many complaints! I'm actually excited about it. New year, new start.

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we actually school year-round. I love the freedom it gives my schedule and the way we can relax and follow interests more during the year. We do take a little time off during the summer, although not much because school here runs from Jan-Oct, so the kids here aren't on vacation then, either.


We run the same schedule year-round here, but, when we lived in MN, we did all our science in the summer and took a break from history. We did nature journaling all year round, but, really picked up the pace in summer. We also did activities with the local Nature Learning Center and the Arboretum during the summer.


Lots of fun! Enjoy!

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We start on a fairly easy schedule starting during baseball season! So, we're there now. School for my 6th grader is currently taking no more than 3 hours.


This summer though, we'll be slowing down and just doing one math and grammar lesson/week (just so we don't have to do review this fall). We'll also add art appreciation and music. I also have a couple K'nex sets with lesson plans that we'll play with. We probably do less than 1 hour/day.


We start back up in mid-August so that we have plenty of time during the school year to travel and play!!!

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We start on a fairly easy schedule starting during baseball season! So, we're there now. School for my 6th grader is currently taking no more than 3 hours.


This summer though, we'll be slowing down and just doing one math and grammar lesson/week (just so we don't have to do review this fall). We'll also add art appreciation and music. I also have a couple K'nex sets with lesson plans that we'll play with. We probably do less than 1 hour/day.


We start back up in mid-August so that we have plenty of time during the school year to travel and play!!!



Could you share a bit about the K'nex lesson plans? My ds8 LOVES K'nex and so this sounds very appealing. I bet he would LOVE this sort of thing this summer! Thanks.

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This summer we plan to take June off and start a "light" schedule of math and reading in July when it gets really hot around here. We will not spend more than 1/2 hour per day on school work but we will be reading a ton plus doing some special projects this summer. My oldest wants to sew a skirt this summer and my next dd loves to scrapbook so I plan to set her loose with some pictures and my materials and let her scrapbook as much as she wants :). We will be starting back up with a full schedule in August.

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I have 2 hours planned for my 9 year old dd. She will have a book list and one hour of reading time plus one hour of history & geography. I fell a year behind with SOTW, and will have her just read through book 4 this summe so that we can revisit the ancients in the fall. I also have a geography workbook, and would like to cover some state history through reading and field trips.

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We plan to school through the summer with time taken off for visits with grandparents. Ds just hasn't gotten as much done as he should have, but we like to have school some during the summer as a routine matter of course anyway.


The first year we homeschooled, we took off the whole summer.

When we started back in August, I heard my son say, "What's a verb?" Never again will we take off the whole summer.

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We follow a traditional school year and then do a "lite" version in the summer. Normally it is at least math, reading and one focus subject, last year it was Conflict Resolution. This year we will continue with grammar (only because we aren't done with our book), math, reading, and logic.


We live in the woods so science is simply talking about what we might find in the yard that day.


It's great to see everyone else's schedules.

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