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the Zone Diet

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With all the posts lately about diets, I don't think I've heard The Zone Diet mentioned. I have requested the book describing this diet from the library. I've also requested about the South Beach Diet. I tried Atkins once and made it about a week. Lost 9 pounds, but didn't stick with it. So...I'm curious about the Zone Diet. Any information or advice?


Thanks much!

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The Zone is more complicated than South Beach....you need have to 30% carbs, 30% fat, and 40% carbs for EVERY meal.


I think this is why it didn't get as popular as South Beach.


You can go to 3FatChicks.com and get more info on lots of diets. I love those ladies....they know their stuff!



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The Zone diet worked for me, but only when I was working out of the house full time, going to the gym three times a week for 1-2 hours, and my oldest was 1-2 years old. Then, I got pregnant, became a stay at home mom, couldn't make it to the gym, had to feed everyone else and couldn't stick with it. :lol:


Seriously, it's not a meal plan that works when you're feeding an entire family. It's really an individual diet, and, like Atkins, once you're off it, you'll gain the weight back. After my 2nd dd, I bought the Reader's Digest book, "Change One." That's what I recommend to ANYONE trying to lose or maintain weight. It is practical, it's not a "diet" and it works for the entire family. Plus it's logical and REASONABLE. You look at your portion sizes, what makes a balanced diet, and what kind of exercise works for you. They also assume you'll eat out once in a while, and they expect you to enjoy your holiday meals. All in all, the best plan for me :)




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I read this the other day form this website:





"We live in a strange world when it comes to weight loss. Imagine if you will, someone who’s overweight giving advice on how to lose weight. Sounds ridiculous, right? Yet, what we have today are a bunch of fat doctors telling people how to lose weight. In fact, the most successful Diet Doctors seem to be the most overweight. In the year 2000, long before the controversy about his weight after his death, Dr. Atkins exceeded federal guidelines for being overweight. One doctor, who saw him many times over the decades, estimated he was 40 to 60 pounds overweight.1 Barry Sears, Ph.D., author of the hugely popular Zone diet, was also overweight in the year 2000. Sears even states he’s overweight in his own book! 2 Yet despite this admission, millions of copies have been sold. Am I missing something? How can people who want to lose weight follow the advice of someone who proclaims, in his own book, that he’s overweight? Perhaps the answer lies in some of the statements Sears makes, such as “You can burn more fat watching TV than by exercisingâ€3 and “About one-third of Americans are … suffering from protein malnutrition.â€4 The last statement5 is like saying Americans are suffering from fat malnutrition. As a matter of fact, the average American eats enough protein to fuel a champion weight lifter. (See Notes – Protein.) But burning fat while watching TV and getting too little protein are the things Americans love to hear because it justifies eating the very diet that has made us the fattest nation on the planet. "

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Dh and I have been on every lifestyle type diet out there, I think. :tongue_smilie: South Beach remains the easiest for us to stick to and modify for our bodies. The Zone was too strict for us to do long term...life gets in the way. With SB, I never do Phase 1 and stick to Phase 2&3. Dh never goes to Phase 3 and will do Phase 1 for a week or two when he needs to get back on track (after holiday or birthday seasons). My body needs and handles more carbs than his. Dh has found that his body loves Paleo but that another program that he can't sustain long term (seems his dw can't cook w/o cheese and beans:confused:). He does enjoy the benefits whenever his gym has a challenge.


It's been interesting to see how different our bodies are despite the fact that we have similar metabolisms and both workout a lot.

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