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Tips for children close in age

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I am now 38 weeks pregnant. I had my other two at 38 weeks and a few days. I could have him/her any day now. I am getting extremely nervous because my youngest is only 19 months old. He's also cutting at least two teeth at the moment, which makes him EXTREMELY fussy and clingy. I need tips from moms who've been there on how to survive and hopefully thrive.


So far all I've got is: My mom is coming in to town today. This will be a huge help, since she can hopefully keep the other two occupied and I can get stuff done or take a nap. Whichever is more important.


I'm going to do freezer meals, lots and lots of freezer meals. This should hopefully help me for when she leaves.


I am going to make a moby wrap to hold baby close and hopefully let me do other things, even if it's just sit on the couch and hug the toddler.


I am going to make sleep a HUGE priority after baby comes. And resting in general for a few weeks. Normally my mom comes and wants to make dinner and invite all our friends and family over and go shopping, etc etc. I told her "none of that, I need to stay home and rest. If you want to entertain, go to brother's house and do it there."


Anything else?

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:grouphug: My first three were 2, 15 months and newborn. That first year or two is now just a blur to me. I made sure to do only what was necessary, took the time to rest and gave as much attention as possible to my girls. You can do it. :) Freezer meals sound like a great idea. Stock up on necessities (tp, soap, food staples, etc) so you don't have to worry for the first bit. Having your mom there sounds like an awesome blessing. My mom was still working and wasn't able to help out, so I was on my own. :)

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Mine are a little over 17 months apart.

It really is great, but those first years are just intense. Even so, at least you are not so far out of baby mode!

I really cant remember much else than what you are doing. Its kinds of all a blur now :) Accept help when it is offered. I think we hired a housecleaner for a few months at once stage, as well as got a nappy service just for the first few weeks.

It is a season, and it will pass all too quickly. Enjoy !

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DS7 was 16 months old when DS6 was born, and DS6 was 23 months when DD4 was born. When DS6 was born I also had to take care of my Mom who had surgery the day after I gave birth. I also went back to work within a week (I could bring the baby). I have to admit, I really liked the close age spread, and wish DS6 and DD4 had been closer together. They both still napped so I got to rest when they did.


I did wear DS6 in a sling alot, and bought a double stroller so I could get out of the house and walk around (walk to the store, just walk). It was also nice because DH were both grad students and had research positions, so we divided childcare 50/50 (at least with DS7, DS6 would stay with me at work)

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Mine are 10 months apart and the thing that really saved me was a mother's helper. I had a neighborhood girl I knew who would come and entertain them while I took a long bath, or did a project that required my undivided attention or took a nap. She was about 12 years old and I was always home and nearby just in case she needed me, but just having another pair of eyes and hands to help out made a big difference in my ability to stay sane.

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I had twins. Less than 13 months later, I had another baby.

My advice is to be kind to yourself. If you don't make it out of your pajamas some days, it's ok. If people ask if you need anything, ask them to make your family a meal. Don't turn down any offers of help. That was a hard thing for me.


Ds- 9

Dd- 9

Ds- 8

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