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Questions for Public School Principal

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My Dh wants me to go to the local public school and ask them any questions that I may have for my son's kindergarten year. I am almost sure that I do not want ds going to public school. I have the opportunity to sit down with the principal and ask any question that I may have. Reluctantly i will go check it out. So far here are some of my questions:


1. Do you offer spanish classes during school or after school?

2. What do you do with a child who is already reading and is becoming strong in comprehension?

3. Do you "teach to test"?

4. What type of Math curriculum do you use (new math)?

5. I want to get a list of the curriculum they will be using.


Anything I may be missing?



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They won't admit teaching ot the test.


I would ask about student to teacher ratios.


I would ask for a schedule of lunch, recesses, and ask about how often classes such as music, art, and PE occur. I worked in a school once where K began eating lunch at 10:30 but school wasn't dismissed until 3:15. No snacks were made available either so there were many tired, hungry children at the end of the day. At the same school parents were told that music, art, and PE were part of the curriculum scheduled to happen 30 minutes each weekly but what they didn't say was that the K teacher was responsible for those and that even though they were in lesson plans, they rarely happened.


I would ask to be given a student policy handbook if they have one. Then you can read about policies and rules and such ahead of time.

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1. List of standards for kindergarten.

2. How is discipline handled at the school site and specifically with kindergartners. What is the most common disciplinary problem on campus (just give the principal a chance to talk about it and for you to get an idea of what is going on)?

3. Do the kindergartners have their own playground, bathrooms, etc.

4. What is the adult/student ratio?

5. Do they go on field trips with the kindergarten class? Do they have assemblies/special events for them.

6. What is the expectation for parental involvement & volunteering?

7. What extra-curricular activities do the kindergartners participate in (library, computer, art, music, etc.)?

8. Do they send home homework in kindergarten? If so, what is the expectation?

9. Can they provide you with the kindergarten schedule?

10. Can you observe a kindergarten classroom?

11. What is the principals philosophy of education? What does he/she think about homeschooling? What does the principal wish would happen in regards to parental/teacher partnerships? Does he/she feel things have changed in education since he/she first started teaching? These questions just give you insight into his/her personality and how well they are going to interact with you. I would just insert these casually and not make them part of a 3rd degree.

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You may or may not get the answers you're looking for from the principal. He/She will be adept at giving potically correct responses.


I would rather ask to sit in on the kindergarten class for a couple of part days. If you want to see the class at it's best, go in the morning. If you want to see what happens when everyone's tired, go towards the end of the day. The teacher may be on best behaviour, but if you go a couple of different days, this will wear off. Even just wandering the halls gives you an idea of the tone of the school. You'll have a chance to see what's used in the classroom without an official "pitch".


I hope you find the answers your husband is looking for.

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I would focus on "What do you do with a Ker who is already reading?" It sounds like your dh wants your dc to go to ps. I can guarantee, they don't do much for kids reading above grade level.


I would ask to see the curricula used.


You want samples of curricula flaws to show your dh. This is what you are hunting for in this meeting...though don't SAY that.


What books do they read in the K classroom? How often does the typical K teacher read aloud to the kids? (b/c my dc wore out Eric Carle as toddlers...and are/were well on their way through EB White and Laura Ingalls Wilder in K)


Math - Ask for the scope and sequence as well as the specific name of the curric used. Ask if they use calculators in K? 1st? 2nd? (act like that might be a good thing when you ask;))

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1. List of standards for kindergarten.

2. How is discipline handled at the school site and specifically with kindergartners. What is the most common disciplinary problem on campus (just give the principal a chance to talk about it and for you to get an idea of what is going on)?

3. Do the kindergartners have their own playground, bathrooms, etc.

4. What is the adult/student ratio?

5. Do they go on field trips with the kindergarten class? Do they have assemblies/special events for them.

6. What is the expectation for parental involvement & volunteering?

7. What extra-curricular activities do the kindergartners participate in (library, computer, art, music, etc.)?

8. Do they send home homework in kindergarten? If so, what is the expectation?

9. Can they provide you with the kindergarten schedule?

10. Can you observe a kindergarten classroom?

11. What is the principals philosophy of education? What does he/she think about homeschooling? What does the principal wish would happen in regards to parental/teacher partnerships? Does he/she feel things have changed in education since he/she first started teaching? These questions just give you insight into his/her personality and how well they are going to interact with you. I would just insert these casually and not make them part of a 3rd degree.


:iagree:with all of these questions, but I think unscheduled observation will tell you a lot.


I would think what the reasons you have for homeschooling are and try to get the principal's take on why kindergarten might meet those concerns better.

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If your child has health issues I would ask questiosn such as

-how many teachers are first aid certified?

-is there a nurse assigned to this building/campus or is the nurse shared among several buildings/campuses?

-if I need to send medication to the school, who administers it to my child?

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Well, of course, I don't know your reasons for wanting to homeschool or your dh's reasons for wanting you to look at the public school, but I had a friend recently whose husband was concerned with her homeschooling their son and she showed me a list that the school had given them of what the K kids did during the day. I will say that it made me have a moment of "Yikes! My poor kiddos!" So I showed it to dh (who is, by the way, a pub. school principal, although at a middle school) and he laughed and said, "Honey, 'interactive role play experiences' is just a dress up box!" There were several other examples like that, but I can't think of the wording. I just laughed at myself!


That is just my long way of advising you to be sure of what all the jargon really means if any of that would be instrumental in your decision.


I will also just say as the wife of a very pro-homeschooling (obviously!) public school principal...give him/her the benefit of the doubt until you find out differently! My dh has his eyes WIDE open about the yuck of the educational world at large and has no delusional ideas about its perfection! I know he's a rarity...but maybe this principal will be the same and you'll get some honest assessment. :)

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