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Fast becoming a latin drop-out - HELP turn the tide please


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I tried Latin for Children A last year when dc were 2nd and 5th. It was a total failure. 5th grader retained nothing and struggled with grammar. 2nd grader retained quite a bit of vocab, but didnt grasp any grammar


We did Minimus over the summer and really enjoyed it. The cd was excellent and we enjoyed it. But, I cannot justify the cost of Minimus Secondus.


We did an attempt at Matin Latin 1 this year for 3rd and 6th. We did about half the year. I just couldnt make it work. Maybe because I have never taken latin that I find myself intimidated by it. Maybe it is because I have so many other challenging curriculum (SWR, CW for example). But, latin never succeeded


So, I do not want to give up on latin, but I just dont want to buy yet another curriculum and not be able to teach it. What is something fun, super easy, self-explanatory, etc.? I dont want any beta programs that I have to print out myself at home. I dont mind printing a page or 2 every once in a while, but not an entire curriculum.


My dd has asked about Greek. Should I just give up on latin and spend some time in Greek. Looking down the road, she will need 2 foreign language credits for her high school completion. Dh suggested not doing any foreign language until 9th grade. But, I am not sure that would be the best direction. He is in favor of a language program now, if I can make it work.



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Any hope of a co-op class? Seems to me like that would be awfully helpful in your situation. I know it was the only thing that really made latin happen for us. Guess I'd be leary of buying a greek program, which presumably she'd have to study independently, since greek will be as hard/complex as latin. They could both do something with the greek alphabet (Hey Andrew workbook, whatever) and then tackle it in another year. That would give you more time to get grammar under your belt and get ready for your latin or greek study.

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I feel your pain:)


If you want to do Latin, you could wait until they are older and have both of them do The Latin Road to English Grammar (or another program) at the same time. This would mean waiting until your youngest is in the 4th or 5th grade. What I love about TLREG is that you do it along with them. ARg. It hurts my brain! It will seem easier when both your children are a little older and have more similar abilities. A three year age span when they are young is more pronounced in their abilities.


Another suggestion might be to stick with a program BUT do it much, much slower. Then when they are older and move into an advanced text, they are familiar with the basics. Perhaps only two or three days a week. You are doing some heavy programs right now and this would give you a chance to breathe.


Perhaps, if you really want to do Latin (or Greek) you could readjust your other school and do "easier" courses and add your language. That way, your whole day isn't one big brain buster.


I'm sure you've thought of this, but you could also find a tutor for them.


Last suggestion: do another language . . .i.e. Spanish and learn some Latin/Greek roots from a vocabulary program.


Part of the frustration of teaching our children differently than we were taught is that, well, we've never done it before. And adding to that, we are teaching our children different subjects also. Most of us have had NO prior knowledge of Latin. And Latin is no joke. It is hard.


Honestly, I have used several programs and in our family, the trick has been for me to sit right beside them learning it with them. We have had some great years learning Latin and some years we didn't touch Latin at all, and you know what I had to accept? Life went on. I know, I'm kinda slow:)


Be encouraged.

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What about using one of the programs with DVDs that help/do the teaching for you?


Classical Academic Press puts out Latin for Children and you can purchase DVDs with the teaching and chants on them. There's even a sample to view on their website.


Memoria Press also has DVDs for their series Latina Christiana (and their younger program Prima Latina) but I've yet to find a sample.


In both cases, as I understand it, the DVDs do the teaching and even expand on the book so that there is more information for you the teacher.

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Yeah. I know Lively Latin looks really good to me . But we're moving and won't have our wonderful DSL service like I have now so I'm going to pass on it thought it probably would work great for my oldest .

I'm going to try the Prima Latina course with my 3 together because it has a DVD course and I'll learn right along with them because I know zip about Latin except a few phrases . I have heard the DVD's are really helpful . But that also includes that you are willing to use a Christian program .

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Lively Latin! I had a similar experience w/ Latin for Children, and then Minimus! :) Now we just finished our year of Lively Latin -- it was a great year! We'll be going on to LL 2 this summer.


Yeah. I know Lively Latin looks really good to me . But we're moving and won't have our wonderful DSL service like I have now so I'm going to pass on it thought it probably would work great for my oldest .

I'm going to try the Prima Latina course with my 3 together because it has a DVD course and I'll learn right along with them because I know zip about Latin except a few phrases . I have heard the DVD's are really helpful . But that also includes that you are willing to use a Christian program .


I have not looked at Prima Latina. I have been confusing it with CanonPress's Latin Primer. I will take a look at it. What level should I consider??

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Since your children are already 3rd and 6th, you can skip Prima and go ahead to Latina Christiana I. LCI is simple and straightforward. LCII is a bit more challenging because by then you have so many words to remember and there are more grammar rules to remember. If you can get the DVDs, you can watch and learn along with them. We're finishing up LCII in May. We did take it slow and stretched the two programs into three years.


God Bless,


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Before this year, I have had no experience with Latin. I did study French for 8 years so that helps with some of the concepts like declensions and the vocabulary and nouns with gender etc. We are using LCI with one ds and LL with the other. They have very different learning styles. Until a couple of weeks ago, I was just sitting with them, watching the dvds, reviewing flashcards, and doing the chants with them but I was falling behind my ds who is just about to finish LCI. I finally took down the Latin in the Christian Trivium materials that I already had on the shelve and started working through it. I am doing everything as though I am a real student. I am enjoying it and I will now be able to keep up with the boys. I think you should consider using LC because it is so easy to use. The dvds aren't absolutely needed but the do help get Latin done. It is the first subject we do everyday so that it never gets pushed aside. While your children are working through LC, you can choose another program that moves a little faster at an adult pace, get out your pen and notebook and start learning Latin. It will set a good example to your children that learning doesn't ever have to end. I think that by the time your children work through both LC programs, you will feel comfortable working through any of the other curriculums with them.

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