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You've been a good influence on me

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My bright, capable DD was whining (again) about her phonics lesson not being fun, and I'd had enough. The spirit of certain TWTM mamas descended on me and I calmly spoke the following words:


"It does not matter if you like it. It does not matter if you think it's fun. None of that is relevant. It simply must be done. Now, sit down and give me your full attention through the entire lesson. If you start messing around we will start the lesson over as many times as it takes for you to focus."


I think I must have had a slightly crazed look in my eyes as I said that, because it worked.


The lesson went quickly and she did excellent work. :001_smile:


I'm so over trying to entertain her. In the past I've been a softie about schoolwork, because I'm a softie by nature. Yes, it's nice to appeal to her learning style, play games and all that. I'll continue doing cool stuff with her. But, at the end of the day, sometimes she just needs to learn to suck it up and do the work even when it's not "fun."


Thank you for your excellent examples. :)

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My bright, capable DD was whining (again) about her phonics lesson not being fun, and I'd had enough. The spirit of certain TWTM mamas descended on me and I calmly spoke the following words:


"It does not matter if you like it. It does not matter if you think it's fun. None of that is relevant. It simply must be done. Now, sit down and give me your full attention through the entire lesson. If you start messing around we will start the lesson over as many times as it takes for you to focus."


I think I must have had a slightly crazed look in my eyes as I said that, because it worked.


The lesson went quickly and she did excellent work. :001_smile:


I'm so over trying to entertain her. In the past I've been a softie about schoolwork, because I'm a softie by nature. Yes, it's nice to appeal to her learning style, play games and all that. I'll continue doing cool stuff with her. But, at the end of the day, sometimes she just needs to learn to suck it up and do the work even when it's not "fun."


Thank you for your excellent examples. :)


:lol: Good job, Mom! :party:

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I'm a softy too, but my school motto became the following...


It doesn't have to be fun, it just has to be done:D.


Do the lessons and be free...:glare:


Oh yes, I forgot...No screen between 9 & 3...Do the lessons and you'll be free. My ds, was a tough nut, and loves his video games.

(We have an earlier start now that mine are older.)


Hang in there, establishing those habits will pay off later.

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My younger son would CRY - and I mean profusely - over reading a few words on ONE page of Phonics Pathways which took him less than 5 minutes. I tried reasoning with him but finally got a timer and set it and showed him how little time it took out of our entire day. Five minutes! You can do anything for five minutes, geesh.... And then I'd read book after book aloud with him once he had finished. For some reason, once I showed him how little work it took to get to the reward, he was okay with it and never cried again....

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Good for you!


We were watching Supernanny the other night :blushing: (where's a "bag over your head" smiley when I need one?), and your story reminds me of her advice to just be firm, act like you mean it, and believe in your authority.

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Good for you!


We were watching Supernanny the other night :blushing: (where's a "bag over your head" smiley when I need one?), and your story reminds me of her advice to just be firm, act like you mean it, and believe in your authority.


I think I need to watch more of that show. I'm not sure how pathetic it makes me to admit that, but there ya' go.

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