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I just saw a news headline that an armed man was at my dh's job!

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My dh works in the courthouse in Downtown Ft. Lauderdale (Florida). My heart leapt into my throat as I was just imagining a scene of someone shooting up the place. I quickly clicked on the article http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/01/14/2015957/armed-man-attempts-to-rob-traffic.html and read this.... "It wasn't really chaotic," she said. "He was just quietly sitting down there with a gun aiming at himself. ... We had customers there -- people coming down the escalator stepping right over him like business as usual."

:001_huh: The weird thing is that that actually doesn't sound so unusual for our courthouse. :001_huh:


I was just so relieved that nobody got hurt. I hope that this man gets the help that he needs.

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:grouphug: Wow, that must have been so scary for you to see that -- you must have been so relieved to find out no one was hurt!




It was and I was. I called my husband right after at work to see if he even knew about it, (he works in the computer division) he just said that a sheriff's deputy came through the building telling people not to go downstairs until things cleared up. My first thought was that it was some type of civil case that went bad and someone was seeking revenge, but after reading the article I wonder if this man was suicidal and was hoping for "death by cop". The jail is literally right behind the courthouse and there are sheriff's officers all over the place. I am just so glad that it was peaceably resolved. I really hope that this guy gets some counselling. It sounds like he's really hurting.

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:confused1: How scarry and sad.


It was and I was. I called my husband right after at work to see if he even knew about it, (he works in the computer division) he just said that a sheriff's deputy came through the building telling people not to go downstairs until things cleared up. My first thought was that it was some type of civil case that went bad and someone was seeking revenge, but after reading the article I wonder if this man was suicidal and was hoping for "death by cop". The jail is literally right behind the courthouse and there are sheriff's officers all over the place. I am just so glad that it was peaceably resolved. I really hope that this guy gets some counselling. It sounds like he's really hurting.
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Well, up here the man would get a lot of attention and of course, he wouldn't get past the metal detectors operated by the Sheriff's department. But, it seems like a large number of South Florida citizens have a permit to carry....I can't remember the statistic but it was a pretty stout number. So, I would imagine that people may be used to seeing someone carrying and unless threatened directly, just go about their business as usual.


Seriously, I hope this man gets some excellent and prompt mental health assistance.



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Oh how scary!


This happened to me a few years ago, 2 gunmen were at my dh's place of work, the only reason I knew was because we lived right by there and I saw squad cars all lined up along the road as I was leaving our apartment.


It was a big building, so when I called dh's cell he didn't even know about it. I told him to go hide in a closet!! He still makes fun of me to this day about that.:glare:


It all turned out okay and the man was captured after more than 3 hours eluding the police. But it was the longest 3 hours of my life.

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Well, up here the man would get a lot of attention and of course, he wouldn't get past the metal detectors operated by the Sheriff's department. But, it seems like a large number of South Florida citizens have a permit to carry....I can't remember the statistic but it was a pretty stout number. So, I would imagine that people may be used to seeing someone carrying and unless threatened directly, just go about their business as usual.


Seriously, I hope this man gets some excellent and prompt mental health assistance.




If he had gone in the main entrance he would have been stopped immediately. Their are metal detectors at every enterance and sheriffs all over the place, he waited outside a back exit door for someone to come out and went in that way, probably up through the stair well. Scary. I hope the sheriffs office starts posting guards at all of the exits now too.

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