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Teachers Lounge! 1-12-2011

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Whew! What a week it's been and it's only Wednesday! I feel like it should be Thursday already with how full our days have been!


What's for lunch today? Me: panini (homemade) that may be cold by the time I bite into it! Accompanied by Asian pear spread with peppercorn goat cheese chevre. Yum!


What was your "A ha!" moment so far this week? Me: that I'm going to have to go to bed way before midnight if I want to give my body accurate resting time after working out!


What's fun on the schedule today? Me: dd has a class at the library "You Wouldn't Want to be an Assyrian Soldier." While we're there, I'll be meeting with a client to do a skin care analysis on her.


I love to hear from all of you! Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for lunch today? popcorn chicken - the kids had it with french fries, I'm having it with cool ranch doritos, they had strawberry applesauce, I'll probably have clementines.


What was your "A ha!" moment so far this week? The kids NEED a morning snack - even if they would rather play during a break! My dd9 is finally getting that if she gets 5 days of work done in 4 days of school she can have an extra day off.


What's fun on the schedule today? Not much, although we do get to go to the library today.


I love to hear from all of you! Talk to me! :bigear:

Is it Friday yet?????:tongue_smilie: After 3 weeks off, its hard to get back into the swing of things :001_smile:.

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Lunch: Veggie beef soup, crusty bread, apple and orange slices


Aha moment: Reading through and learning from some of the weight loss threads this week, and just pulling together a better plan for myself


Fun: After lunch we bundled up and headed out to look for animal tracks in the snow in the woods. This had nothing to do with anything, other than we needed to get outside and away from some very challenging math today. We both had cameras with us, and are now getting ready to look at the pictures (on tv through the wii)

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:willy_nilly:Yeah I have been confused on what day it is all week and I guess it will continue. :confused: Dh is working a crazy schedule this week, totally messing me up.


Lunch: Grilled cheese, chips and coke, kiddos the same except they had water to drink


"A ha!" moment: Don't remember having one yet. I need to have one :lol:


Fun : made some pies with dc this morning. Also did some experiments with science.

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Lunch: For me, salmon salad (salmon, relish, celery, red onion, mustard, salt and pepper), carrot sticks, and cottage cheese. For the kids, macaroni and cheese, carrot sticks, and apple sauce.


A-ha moment: Things run much smoother when I actually follow the schedule -- so ds picked the order we will do things each day and we will follow that from now on.


Fun: The kids got to play outside in all our new snow and we have gymnastics later this afternoon.

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Lunch - soup. I think I'll have to put out a couple of different soups since for some reason, ds only put one of each kind in the shopping cart when we shopped.:confused:


Aha moment - Dd needs me to explain things explicitly like they do in a classroom. I can't just throw a worksheet at her and say "here do this!"


Fun - Going for our eye exams! It should be fun because my SIL is our optometrist and she told us that she brought one of her dogs into the office today.

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What's for lunch today? Man, your sounds good! I had a bowl of veggie soup, bagel w/ cream cheese, and an apple (and it was one delicious apple) at Panera.


What was your "A ha!" moment so far this week? Going from weekly menu and shopping to stocking a pantry and cooking from there. I think I'm going to love this.


What's fun on the schedule today? It's kids eat free at Taco Cabana . . . we'll go eat cheap and my daughter will play and do a craft (that honestly she's a bit too old for but another girl her age goes so . . .) while my husband and I visit.


I love to hear from all of you! Talk to me! :bigear:


Good thing it's kids eat free night . . . I don't think I could have come up with something fun for today!

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Since there wan't really anything fun in my post (library is most fun for ME), I'm adding:


The girls are upstairs using their large collection of dolls to play The Boxcar Children. Its making me smile and them not wnat to go to the library. I loved playing the Boxcar Children when I was little. :D

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