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Dr Hive....DD3 still coughing after a month?

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In mid December, our family had a virus go through us. Fever for a few days, lots of coughing, and some stuffiness. Fast forward to today. It has been a month now. DD3 is still coughing. It's not all the time...mainly when she's crying or running around. Sometimes at other times too. And it's not like it turns into a coughing fit or anything. It's just a dry cough. But it has been a month. Shouldn't it be going away by now?


And another thing...whenever she first takes a drink of water, she chokes. This happens nearly every single time. It's weird. This has been going on since before the virus went around though.

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Yep, I've been there with the dry cough--"reactive airways"--a pre-asthma diagnosis. ETA--not always, but frequently.

My guess (not a Dr here!!) is that she's still a little irritated and inflamed (which would account for the choking, too).

You could take her back--

You could try hydrating her very well and giving her some ibru--

You could put more moisture in her room--

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I agree with Chris and Jenni - it could be asthma. I just went through this with dd18 and I finally took her to a pulmonologist who put her on a steroid. She began coughing right before Thanksgiving along with a cold and she just stopped last week. He said the cold she got triggered the asthma and once her lungs were inflamed they just couldn't heal on their own. The steroids took care of that.

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Asthma. My Dd was 3 when she started the month long coughs after an illness. Her breathing tests were ok but she consistently had a cough in winter after an illness. I accept it now and she has an inhaler. Does the trick. In fact this last year my Dr gave me one.


Get it checked out just to establish a pattern for future diagnosis .

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Thanks everyone! I think I will take her in. She's the only one of us that is still coughing following the illness. This is also my child who had the croup four times within four months and landed in the ER with breathing issues from it (they even admitted her for a night). She had a throat scope under general anesthesia but nothing was found. I think I read somewhere that babies who have reoccurring croup are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma.


By the way, how does a doctor determine if a child has asthma? I wouldn't want her on any meds unless they are certain that this is asthma.

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