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final neuropsych appointment today, please pray

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My ds11 has been through a bunch of testing and today we get the results. Please pray that we get some answers, an that the baby isn't too disruptive during the appointment.


Our DS11 had his testing yesterday. I've got the basic results (b/c I used to work as the NP's testing assistant, and I used to give the same tests), but I can't wait for the final report, either.


Even if your baby is disruptive during the meeting, the NP ought to give you a typed report to take home and you'll be able to read it at home. He should be willing to talk with you by phone after you've had time to digest the information, too, so if it's chaotic today, you ought to have a chance to answer your questions after you've had time to consider the report.


IMHO, almost anyone needs time to think about the results before she can be sure she knows exactly what the results mean in "real life." So, don't worry if you're a bit overwhelmed today. Take time to read the report carefully when baby naps, and call back with any questions you have. :)





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