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Has anyone tried Dr. Oz's "green smoothie"?

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Haven't specifically done his but I do like to juice ginger, celery, kale(or spinach), lemon, beet, carrot and a bit of apple together. Cucumber is pretty mild so it is probably pretty similiar tasting. I LOVE my green juice it is very, very tasty. I don't do bananas anymore as it is too much sugar for me.

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We've juiced before so I can tell his blend isn't going to be nasty, but I'm liking it just being in the blender and not having to deal with a bucket of pulp. We were actually going to start today but we're all battling sick stomachs and didn't want to upset them any further. The ginger and lemon are actually very refreshing in juice blends. I'm going to be using spinach and kale, lemon, ginger and pear.

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I had to laugh when I read this. My brother has been talking about this smoothie for two days now. He was at my house yesterday looking for celery. :lol: He hasn't made it yet but I am sure he will soon. He drinks all kinds of strange and unusual smoothies so this one is pretty normal for him. I may try some form of this but will have to ease into it. I am sure it is very healthy and good for you.

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