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Science Plans... thoughts?

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Next year, my son enters the realm of high school science.


I have currently planned for him to take Abeka Physical Science next year, focusing on study skills by outlining the textbook (I already own the textbook). The idea of the DVD class intrigues me... but I don't know how much value it would actually "add." Making matters more confusing for me... I took the time to look at the BJU class sample. I liked it better ;), but then, I only saw a snippet of one class! I also have the option of adding other videos (Great Courses) to enhance the Physical Science topic.


After that, we are planning on Abeka Biology.


Then... Abeka Chemistry


Then... Conceptual Physics...no ideas here.


Then... Apologia Biology/Anatomy as an AP level Course, unless DS really, really hates biology (which would make me very sad, in which case he would probably take AP Chem here)


Lastly... ??? as another AP Course (either Chemistry or Calculus based Physics, probably letting son choose. I have no idea which way he would go, because he will very much enjoy mixing things up with Chemistry, but he really enjoys Physics too.)


If we wind up doing more science, I will probably do open courseware through MIT or something like that.


My son does enjoy science. He would like some video component. He has no issues with memorizing, but I would like it to be a bit more than all memorizing.


I like Abeka. I am familiar with Abeka. Abeka makes sense to me... I also am aware of it's failings, and can adapt as needed. I am not against BJU... just a lot less familiar IYKWIM. I know there are people who swear by BJU or Apologia...as well as Abeka. My son does have some science/engineering leanings, so I don't need it to be light -- but there is also no way I can drive him to a community college that's at least 45 min. away 2-3x a week, either.


Thoughts from those of you who have BTDT.

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I really like the A Beka elementary curriculum, but I wouldn't use their math and science in high school with a student who was going into that area. Or Apologia, for that matter. There are plenty of people who disagree with me, I know. ;)


I'm confused, because you have 6 years of science listed. Are you planning for him to take more than one at a time, or is he starting early?


We do use the BJU high school science courses, but with the DIVE. Using the full A Beka or BJU videos would drive us crazy and take up too much valuable time, so the DIVE is perfect. They can watch an explanation of any difficult material, plus watch any labs that we don't do in person. My dd are in Biology right now. BJU is rigorous, expecially when you add the extra work in the DIVE. We plan to do Biology, Chemistry, AP Bio or Chem, and Physics. We're also adding in some semester long Greg Landry courses and Teaching Company courses, because they are very interested in science.

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I really like the A Beka elementary curriculum, but I wouldn't use their math and science in high school with a student who was going into that area. Or Apologia, for that matter. There are plenty of people who disagree with me, I know. ;)


I'm confused, because you have 6 years of science listed. Are you planning for him to take more than one at a time, or is he starting early?


We do use the BJU high school science courses, but with the DIVE. Using the full A Beka or BJU videos would drive us crazy and take up too much valuable time, so the DIVE is perfect. They can watch an explanation of any difficult material, plus watch any labs that we don't do in person. My dd are in Biology right now. BJU is rigorous, expecially when you add the extra work in the DIVE. We plan to do Biology, Chemistry, AP Bio or Chem, and Physics. We're also adding in some semester long Greg Landry courses and Teaching Company courses, because they are very interested in science.


He is 2 years ahead in science...I liked the Abeka Physical and Biology, because I felt they could be good "introductory courses" -- and he could get more rigorous later, if you know what I mean.

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Not sure of your son's age, but I would do physical science before actual high school. Also, even though Conceptual Physics is all the rage, it is really only a 9th grade course (or lower) for a kid who is strong in the sciences. In fact, if I'm reading your other post above correctly, you have two years before official high school. Is this right? If so, if he has had algebra I, you could do Conceptual Physics and then Conceptual Chemistry, then biology in 9th, and APs or CC courses the other three years. Other random ideas: Zumdahl for chemistry and Biology: A Molecular Approach for biology. Both are honors level texts.


Haven't BTDT but I am currently there and doing that.

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