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CLE Math 700 vs 800

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My son is about to finish CLE math 6th grade. He is a good math student and is ready for some type of Pre-Algebra. With my other kids I used BJU Pre-Algebra course in the 7th grade. So, thought about using that.


However, he really likes the CLE math program. So, I hate to change this.


So, if I stay with CLE, could I skip him up to the 800 level since that is their "Pre-Algebra" level or would he miss too much in the 700 level to keep up?


Any help would be appreciated.





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It's hard to say. Your ds will definitely miss some concepts taught in 700, but perhaps you could cover those yourself by going through the 801 book and pinpointing them, teaching them, etc. The 801 book WILL briefly (very briefly) teach any concepts missed, but it may, or may not, be enough for full comprehension and understanding.


So, what *I* would do is first purchase the 801 light unit and go through each of the pretests and any assignments needed. If your ds picks up on the concepts covered fairly quickly, then go for the level 800.


I started out the year finishing up Level 700 alongside beginning BJU Pre-alg. We finally decided to dump 707-710 and jump into 800. I had my ds go through the 801 LU and taught him any concepts he missed by dumping 700 early. He is doing just fine with the 800 level. We then decided to dump the BJU text due to time restraints and because my ds enjoys CLE more. Everything is just peachy for now. CLE 800 keeps him challenged, and I feel it is definitely worthy of a pre-alg (along with a lot of geometry!!) credit.


Hope that helps some. ;)


[eta: just so you know, there is some pre-alg in level 700 as well. I believe I have read that some students have gone from 700 to an alg 1 program with no problem]

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That is exactly what we did this year and he has been just fine. We started CLE back last December 2009 and did 1/2 of the 500 level. Loved it, just loved it. But felt like it was a touch easy for him, so this year we did 601 at the beginning of the year, caught him up on anything he missed in 506-510. And he did just fine.


So, was kind of thinking we would finish all of the 600's this year and then at the start of next school year we would jump to 801, but didn't know if that would be TOO much of a jump. There is a big difference between jumping 1/2 of a year and a WHOLE year.


That was also another reason I was contemplating going back to BJU Pre-Algebra. It is safe. I know it works. We have used it before. And it is not spiral. SO, I don't have to wonder...Did he miss something??


Make sense?



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That was also another reason I was contemplating going back to BJU Pre-Algebra. It is safe. I know it works. We have used it before. And it is not spiral. SO, I don't have to wonder...Did he miss something??


Make sense?




Makes perfect sense to me! =)


I did notice that when we we were working on CLE 700 and BJU that they both covered many of the same concepts...just with a different scope and sequence. There were a few times my ds would learn something new in BJU and then find it also in CLE a few lessons later where he would then get to review it over and over, and visa versa. BJU, because it IS pre-alg, clipped along at a quicker pace than CLE 700, but BJU oftentimes bogged my son down with doing the same type problem 20 times in a lesson, whereas CLE kept him challenged and interested due to it's spiralness of different concepts each and every day. So, when we jumped into CLE 800 which is definitely pre-alg and then some, I no longer felt the need to add in BJU, and my ds was forever greatful to be only completing one math.


I think if you want safe (not worrying about holes), and your ds is fine with BJU, then go that route. You'll be pretty safe jumping from CLE 600 to BJU pre-alg.


But if your ds does better with the spiral variety of CLE, and enjoys his math more when using it, then it might be worth the possibility of holes.


They are both, in my opinion, excellent math curriculum. I don't think you'd go wrong with either option. :D

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Perhaps accelerate it, but I wouldn't skip it. I think 800 series is the better one to skip by going straight to algebra after 700s. But this, obviously, depends on your dc. Saxon algebra 1 after CLE 700 is a good fit.


When in doubt, I have learned that it's best to buy ahead and compare different levels/curricula. When considering switching to CLE math several years ago, I bought 3 levels/grades all at once (although I had only one dc left to homeschool)! I did this with R&S math 7 & 8 with my older ds too. We did some of 7 and then went onto 8. But after comparing CLE math 800 to 700 AND Saxon algebra I, I felt CLE 800 was the best one to skip.


P.S. I have an almost complete CLE math 8 for sale if you're interested. I also have a Saxon algebra I textbook for sale too. ;)


Psst- I REALLY like Art Reed's math dvds to go with Saxon.

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Perhaps accelerate it, but I wouldn't skip it. I think 800 series is the better one to skip by going straight to algebra after 700s. But this, obviously, depends on your dc. Saxon algebra 1 after CLE 700 is a good fit.


When in doubt, I have learned that it's best to buy ahead and compare different levels/curricula. When considering switching to CLE math several years ago, I bought 3 levels/grades all at once (although I had only one dc left to homeschool)! I did this with R&S math 7 & 8 with my older ds too. We did some of 7 and then went onto 8. But after comparing CLE math 800 to 700 AND Saxon algebra I, I felt CLE 800 was the best one to skip.


P.S. I have an almost complete CLE math 8 for sale if you're interested. I also have a Saxon algebra I textbook for sale too. ;)


Psst- I REALLY like Art Reed's math dvds to go with Saxon.


Ah, good to know!!! We did most of 700, so if we don't happen to finish level 800 before next year's Alg 1 my ds should be juuuust fine. =)

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Perhaps accelerate it, but I wouldn't skip it. I think 800 series is the better one to skip by going straight to algebra after 700s. But this, obviously, depends on your dc. Saxon algebra 1 after CLE 700 is a good fit.


When in doubt, I have learned that it's best to buy ahead and compare different levels/curricula. When considering switching to CLE math several years ago, I bought 3 levels/grades all at once (although I had only one dc left to homeschool)! I did this with R&S math 7 & 8 with my older ds too. We did some of 7 and then went onto 8. But after comparing CLE math 800 to 700 AND Saxon algebra I, I felt CLE 800 was the best one to skip.


P.S. I have an almost complete CLE math 8 for sale if you're interested. I also have a Saxon algebra I textbook for sale too. ;)


Psst- I REALLY like Art Reed's math dvds to go with Saxon.


My dd is (remedially) slogging through R&S 7-loathing the reviews, and wanting to get on with more Pre-Algebra so she can get to Algebra. Since you have both levels of R&S, can you tell me if she would need to also do level 8 before going on to Algebra?


Also.:D How would you compare these levels in both CLE and R&S? She says she likes the explanations of R&S better, but is just getting impatient.




fyi to others- we borrowed Lials BCM from the library, and she thought it was overkill and the pages too dense.:glare:

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My dd did 700 series last year and this year is doing 800 series. I think they are both very good. Lots of practical applications of math. I would not advocate skipping the 700 series.


I agree with the poster who said if you are going to skip, I would skip the 800 series, not the 700 series. You can go from the 700 series into algebra if you want. We decided not to do that, but to do the 800 series because the material in the 800 series is very important math, doing things like compound interest that are good, practical things to know about math.


Next year, she'll do algebra. I also don't think there should be a big hurry to get into algebra, although others on this board disagree. Algebra is important, but that doesn't mean it has to be done early, without a sufficient foundation.


Some children have problems with algebra, either because they didn't have a sufficient foundation in math before algebra or because their brains weren't ready yet to deal with the abstract concepts in algebra.


So, if I were in your shoes, I would do both 700 and 800, but if you are going to skip one, I would skip the 800 series and go into algebra after the 700 series.

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We will be there in about a yr and a half after CLE since 1st grade! (along with other math programs, but that one has been consistent) Still not sure when we will bail from CLE so this thread is great.


Interesting about the Lial's BCM-I have it here ready to go at some point because I wanted her to switch to more of a textbook and to get used to a different (less spiral) style before hitting algebra. It does look dense though.

(I also ordered Lial's Pre-Algebra so we'll see how that compares when it comes.)

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Yes, I have been reading about not rushing into algebra-there was a good thread awhile back about it. I've considered doing CLE through 800 along with all the LOF, and other things like Hands-On Equations. This dc is not mathy and I think the extra time could help, and I like all the practical math in 800. If we did that, we'd skip all the Lial's and just go into Algebra (Foerster's is at the top of my list so far) after 800.

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My dd is (remedially) slogging through R&S 7-loathing the reviews, and wanting to get on with more Pre-Algebra so she can get to Algebra. Since you have both levels of R&S, can you tell me if she would need to also do level 8 before going on to Algebra?


Also.:D How would you compare these levels in both CLE and R&S? She says she likes the explanations of R&S better, but is just getting impatient.




fyi to others- we borrowed Lials BCM from the library, and she thought it was overkill and the pages too dense.:glare:


After using R&S math 3-6, 8 with my older ds, I don't like R&S math 7 & 8; too much review and not enough pre-algebra & other important things.


If your dd hates R&S math 7 then move onto another program. CLE math at this point would be hard to transition to because R&S math doesn't teach the things that CLE math teaches much earlier. That's why I switched my younger ds to CLE math although I had all the R&S math books.


I suggest TT pre-algebra, Saxon 1/2 (w/ Art Reed if you like dvd lessons), BJU pre-algebra or another math program. Saxon with Art Reed would be MY first choice.


I had Lial's BCM, and I didn't like it; it's not homeschool friendly, imho.

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Ah, good to know!!! We did most of 700, so if we don't happen to finish level 800 before next year's Alg 1 my ds should be juuuust fine. =)


Your ds should do just fine with algebra after CLE 800! SO much of CLE 800 IS algebra (compare it to TT algebra 1).


I suggest keeping your used CLE math 7 & 8 because sometimes I liked CLE's way/explanation better than Saxon's way (Art Reed also shows alternative ways if he thinks there is a better way than the Saxon text). Your preferred algebra text may vary.



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Michelle-thank you for weighing in. Did you think that CLE 700 and 800 covered all that is in Lial's BCM? (and Lial's Pre-Algebra, if you know?)


Melissa-thank you for your opinions. I'm glad to know that 800 is as thorough as BJU Pre-Algebra.


This thread is really helping me. For some reason I had it in my mind that CLE 800 might somehow be a "lame" pre-algebra compared to the others.

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Michelle-thank you for weighing in. Did you think that CLE 700 and 800 covered all that is in Lial's BCM? (and Lial's Pre-Algebra, if you know?)


Melissa-thank you for your opinions. I'm glad to know that 800 is as thorough as BJU Pre-Algebra.


This thread is really helping me. For some reason I had it in my mind that CLE 800 might somehow be a "lame" pre-algebra compared to the others.


I sold Lial's BCM years ago before we started CLE math with younger ds. But CLE math tends to be short on word problems. I think Lial's was heavy on word problems.

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After using R&S math 3-6, 8 with my older ds, I don't like R&S math 7 & 8; too much review and not enough pre-algebra & other important things.


If your dd hates R&S math 7 then move onto another program. CLE math at this point would be hard to transition to because R&S math doesn't teach the things that CLE math teaches much earlier. That's why I switched my younger ds to CLE math although I had all the R&S math books.


I suggest TT pre-algebra, Saxon 1/2 (w/ Art Reed if you like dvd lessons), BJU pre-algebra or another math program. Saxon with Art Reed would be MY first choice.


I had Lial's BCM, and I didn't like it; it's not homeschool friendly, imho.


Thanks for sharing this!


Dd has done some CLE math-I think 500 and 600:confused: but when we pulled her out of Algebra, she asked for R&S as she said she preferred the explanations better.:glare:

I think maybe I'll see if I still have any CLE left and if so try it again. I need something totally affordable....;) :auto:

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I really appreciate this thread. My daughter loves CLE math, but I told her she'd have to use something different next year. I really felt we needed to change to a more well-known text for pre-algebra, Saxon or BJU. I'm relieved to hear that CLE will prepare her for algebra and she will be so happy to stay with CLE. Thanks!

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Can't thank you all enough for this wonderful post. Gives me LOTS to think about. Need to pray about it some more. Right now, leaning toward just sticking with CLE 700 and then move on to our high school schedule. No hurry, just thinking through things for next year.(You KNOW I'm not the only one to do this in January!;))


For my older two, for high school this is what we used. And it worked for us. (Have 4 kids. One is a senior and one is a sophomore. Both did VERY well with the math portion of the ACT. The other two are my "littles". They are 6th and 2nd grade.)


I would also say some kids are ready for Algebra in 8th grade and some are not. I had one of each. I am SO glad I did not rush my 2nd child to do Algebra in 8th grade like her brother did. Gave her an extra year to mature. It was WELL worth it. Now, she has a good foundation and is doing well with high school math.


But you really have to look at EACH child when trying to decide what to do when.


As for my 6th grader, he is going to follow a similar path as his older brother. And wants to be an engineer or physics major. Loves to build things. So, we want to give him as much math and science as we can before sending him off to the CC for his senior year of high school. Another reason for starting Algebra in 8th grade.


But here is what we used....finally getting there....I am long winded. We talk a lot in the south....;)


Algebra I: Math Relief with Mr. Firebaugh followed by Beginning Algebra with LOF


Algebra II: Math Relief with Mr. Firebaugh followed by Advanced Algebra with LOF


Geometry: MUS Geometry followed by Geometry with LOF


PreCalc: MUS PreCalc followed by CC class like College Algebra or Elem. Calculus


Caution: Brag to follow......:D


Now, this curriculum was nothing fancy or advanced(Like say...CD) but the kids got a great foundation and DS just got a 33 on his ACT subtest score. He KNOWS his math. That is what we wanted. Good foundation. CC teacher has been VERY impressed with him.


THanks for all who shared their thoughts on 700 vs. 800. It has been VERY helpful.


May God continue to richly bless your homeschool. Seek HIM often. He WILL guide you.





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Can't thank you all enough for this wonderful post. Gives me LOTS to think about. Need to pray about it some more. Right now, leaning toward just sticking with CLE 700 and then move on to our high school schedule. No hurry, just thinking through things for next year.(You KNOW I'm not the only one to do this in January!;))


For my older two, for high school this is what we used. And it worked for us. (Have 4 kids. One is a senior and one is a sophomore. Both did VERY well with the math portion of the ACT. The other two are my "littles". They are 6th and 2nd grade.)


I would also say some kids are ready for Algebra in 8th grade and some are not. I had one of each. I am SO glad I did not rush my 2nd child to do Algebra in 8th grade like her brother did. Gave her an extra year to mature. It was WELL worth it. Now, she has a good foundation and is doing well with high school math.


But you really have to look at EACH child when trying to decide what to do when.


As for my 6th grader, he is going to follow a similar path as his older brother. And wants to be an engineer or physics major. Loves to build things. So, we want to give him as much math and science as we can before sending him off to the CC for his senior year of high school. Another reason for starting Algebra in 8th grade.


But here is what we used....finally getting there....I am long winded. We talk a lot in the south....;)


Algebra I: Math Relief with Mr. Firebaugh followed by Beginning Algebra with LOF


Algebra II: Math Relief with Mr. Firebaugh followed by Advanced Algebra with LOF


Geometry: MUS Geometry followed by Geometry with LOF


PreCalc: MUS PreCalc followed by CC class like College Algebra or Elem. Calculus


Caution: Brag to follow......:D


Now, this curriculum was nothing fancy or advanced(Like say...CD) but the kids got a great foundation and DS just got a 33 on his ACT subtest score. He KNOWS his math. That is what we wanted. Good foundation. CC teacher has been VERY impressed with him.


THanks for all who shared their thoughts on 700 vs. 800. It has been VERY helpful.


May God continue to richly bless your homeschool. Seek HIM often. He WILL guide you.






My olders used Math Relief too! It was THE only Algebra program that my oldest could comprehend (we tried Saxon, MMM, & Jacobs). My oldest didn't go on to Alg 2, he refused (he has a math LD which makes Alg VERY difficult for him) but my middle son jumped right into BJU's Alg 2 with zero problems... Math Relief Alg 2 was not quite completed at the time.


We also used MUS Geometry, except we thought it was a horrible Geometry program. :lol: They finished the year passing the class and honestly not really knowing much Geometry. Ha! I think my youngest ds who's using CLE knows more Geometry than they. Anyhow, just wanted to say, "Yay! Another Math Relief user!" It's not well-known in most homeschooling circles, but it's a great Algebra course. :D

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I agree, Melissa. Mr. Firebaugh is "dry as a crust of bread". But when your kids finish, they will know Algebra. It is highly regarded in Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks.


He is just not as FLASHY as say, CD. I think that is why this program doesn't get more attention.


It is SO cool to call the company. Many times I have spoken to Mr. Firebaugh himself.





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I agree, Melissa. Mr. Firebaugh is "dry as a crust of bread". But when your kids finish, they will know Algebra. It is highly regarded in Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks.


He is just not as FLASHY as say, CD. I think that is why this program doesn't get more attention.


It is SO cool to call the company. Many times I have spoken to Mr. Firebaugh himself.






Thanks for mentioning this program. This is one of the few I have never heard of. I have been trying to formulate the best plan for my son and this sounds like a program I should look at. Did you use CLE with the older children prior to Math Relief?


Is there is a lot of practice and review in Math Relief?




Edited by LisaTheresa
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My olders used Math Relief too! It was THE only Algebra program that my oldest could comprehend (we tried Saxon, MMM, & Jacobs). My oldest didn't go on to Alg 2, he refused (he has a math LD which makes Alg VERY difficult for him) but my middle son jumped right into BJU's Alg 2 with zero problems... Math Relief Alg 2 was not quite completed at the time.


We also used MUS Geometry, except we thought it was a horrible Geometry program. :lol: They finished the year passing the class and honestly not really knowing much Geometry. Ha! I think my youngest ds who's using CLE knows more Geometry than they. Anyhow, just wanted to say, "Yay! Another Math Relief user!" It's not well-known in most homeschooling circles, but it's a great Algebra course. :D


Melissa -


Do you mind sharing what program you used for your son before Math Relief? I'm using R&S with my son, which has been a good fit, and I'm wondering if Math Relief is something I should consider for him.




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Melissa -


Do you mind sharing what program you used for your son before Math Relief? I'm using R&S with my son, which has been a good fit, and I'm wondering if Math Relief is something I should consider for him.





My oldest ds, or middle ds?


My oldest ds's math history:

K-4th (?? Whatever Christian Liberty's CLASS program was pushing)

5th Saxon

6th Saxon

7th Saxon

8th Abeka pre-alg

9th & 10th Abeka Alg 1, Saxon Alg 1 w/DIVE, Jacobs Alg, MMM Alg, and then FINALLY Math Relief (the winner! It took him two years, but he finally passed Alg 1 with Math Relief. With all the others he could only get so far and then he would get completely stuck and did not understand what was going on. I thought he would NEVER grasp Alg!! Ugh. Math Relief was a Godsend)

11th MUS Geometry

12th BJU Consumer Math


Middle ds's math:

K-3rd (?? Christian Liberty's CLASS program)

4th Saxon

5th Saxon

6th Abeka 6

7th Abeka 7

8th Math Relief (he used this for his pre-alg and alg 1 credit)

9th MUS Geometry

10th BJU Alg 2

11th BJU PreCalculus

12th--college---Graduated in 11th!

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My oldest ds, or middle ds?


My oldest ds's math history:

K-4th (?? Whatever Christian Liberty's CLASS program was pushing)

5th Saxon

6th Saxon

7th Saxon

8th Abeka pre-alg

9th & 10th Abeka Alg 1, Saxon Alg 1 w/DIVE, Jacobs Alg, MMM Alg, and then FINALLY Math Relief (the winner! It took him two years, but he finally passed Alg 1 with Math Relief. With all the others he could only get so far and then he would get completely stuck and did not understand what was going on. I thought he would NEVER grasp Alg!! Ugh. Math Relief was a Godsend)

11th MUS Geometry

12th BJU Consumer Math


Middle ds's math:

K-3rd (?? Christian Liberty's CLASS program)

4th Saxon

5th Saxon

6th Abeka 6

7th Abeka 7

8th Math Relief (he used this for his pre-alg and alg 1 credit)

9th MUS Geometry

10th BJU Alg 2

11th BJU PreCalculus

12th--college---Graduated in 11th!


Thanks, Melissa!



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CLE 9th-12th math is a black and white version of Alpha Omega workbooks. They are updating to Sunrise over time. Sunrise is the version of CLE that many board members, including me, use and love. They are working on Sunrise Algebra, but it won't be ready until around 2013.


My son is using CLE math a year ahead so he will completel CLE 800 series in 7th grade then move on to Chalkdust. My daughter is at grade level and will move on to Chalkdust after CLE 700 series - which I have heard from others is ok. There is some algebra even in her 600 series.


We plan on Chalkdust Algebra-Calculus for both kids. I may have them take Calculus through Penn Homeschoolers - we'll see how we do with upper maths! It is a little scary - bc Chalkdust isn't a workbook and isn't scheduled out like CLE! But, I've saved many threads about it and I think we'll be ok.

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CLE 9th-12th math is a black and white version of Alpha Omega workbooks. They are updating to Sunrise over time. Sunrise is the version of CLE that many board members, including me, use and love. They are working on Sunrise Algebra, but it won't be ready until around 2013.

The 800 series is designated as a "light unit." Is that the old name for the Sunrise edition?

This is the site where I found my information. Is there a different site?

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If you look at my link (same website, but different page than yours), you will see that CLE Math 800 is the Sunrise edition.




I clicked on your link and then clicked on "view details" and it took me to the page that I linked to in the post above! Perhaps they haven't updated it to reflect the new name.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From what I can tell, 700 & 800 are both very important, but you can accelerate them and do both in a year. (That's what we're doing with Yacko.) 700 is pre-Alg/ Geometry and 800 is Consumer Math. I wouldn't skip either one.


CLE 800 isn't just Consumer Math. :confused: Yes, it does contain some, but there is far more algebra and geometry than consumer math. In fact, I was just telling my ds as he was doing his math lesson today that he's going to be well prepared for geometry in high school due to CLE.


Just wanted to clear that up in case there was some confusion.


By the way, my ds is finding CLE 800 quite challenging.

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skaterbabs-how are you accelerating to do both in one year?


We have accelerated some due to dd being out of commission with a chronic illness last year and trying to catch up now-we skip the 01 book, skip the tests and quizzes.


How are you accelerating? Hoping I can use some of your tips.:)

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