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S/O Detox - Probiotics


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So, I've heard the term "probiotics" a lot, but normally when it comes up, people end up talking about the specialty stores they go to or the expensive supplements they buy. I would love to try this, but it needs to be affordable (er, cheap) and easily accessible. So, can I find "them" at the normal grocery store? Are they in (all) yogurt? Pills?



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Good, in-expensive, easily found probiotic is Acidophillus.


With *any* probiotic though you will go thru a "die-off" period where you feel like you-know-what ;)


Would having a daily serving of yogurt provide you with adequate amounts, or do you need to take a supplement?

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Would having a daily serving of yogurt provide you with adequate amounts, or do you need to take a supplement?


I've been taking probiotic supplements for about 9 years or so. My problem with yogurt is that there wasn't enough probiotics to make a difference for my system and also it either had a lot of sugar or chemicals (aspertame, etc.) that I wasn't willing to add to my diet.


So, I just buy it from vitacost because I can get as much or as little as I need.

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I've been taking probiotic supplements for about 9 years or so. My problem with yogurt is that there wasn't enough probiotics to make a difference for my system and also it either had a lot of sugar or chemicals (aspertame, etc.) that I wasn't willing to add to my diet.


So, I just buy it from vitacost because I can get as much or as little as I need.


I'm not a big yogurt fan, but would eat it if I absolutely had to. I think maybe I will look for some supplements in our local stores. I didn't realize you could consume as a supplement purchased from the regular store. :)

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For a straight acidiphilus, I like this one. It's not too bad straight. It does taste yeasty but the blueberry gives it a sweetness. I haven't tried the other flavors.


I also like to use keifer which is pretty affordable. It's great in protein smoothies. Everyone has their own preferences for making those, which is nice because you can do it to taste. My favorite is to use Jay Robb egg white protein powder, keifer, a banana, a few frozen strawberries, handful of spinach, and ice (I like the ice b/c it makes it thick, like ice cream which makes me think I'm drinking a milkshake...lol).

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We get little chewable tablets in strawberry flavor from either the Vitamin Shoppe (which has a branch a few blocks from my house, so it doesn't feel like a specialty shop, though I guess it sort of is...) or from Whole Foods. I've seen them at the grocery and the drug store, but we didn't like those brands.

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We use probiotics from http://www.lenandjoe.com or from http://www.renewlife.com/ultimate-flora-probiotics.html


If you are going to spend the money on them, then do yourself the favor of researching what to buy and what not to buy. Just like with vitamins, there are some that are a waste of money. ;)


You can also make your own Kefir for way, way less money than buying it. Then, you can make it whatever flavor you prefer.


You can also search for fermented food recipes, in general, and get lots of good bacteria growing in your GI tract, without spending lots of money on probiotics or kefir.

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