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Weekend Warriors - are you out there today?

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I started my weekend warrioring last night: library run and then went to two stores for grocery shopping (two more to do today) - multiple food allergies make food shopping a tactical mission!


Today: bank, 2 more grocery stores, field trip to watch sheep shearing, a quick visit to a friend to share some groceries with them (low-income family), annual Sukiyaki dinner at my brother's Japanese church.


Tomorrow: church, work in the yard?! join Doran in being a blob?!

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This week dh has put up a bookshelf & a pegboard for the dc. I've cleaned out closets & left piles of STUFF everywhere.


So for the weekend, dh has one more bookshelf to put together & finals to study for. I'm determined not to interrupt. I'm deep cleaning (i.e. cleaning at all) the kitchen & LA before he gets home from work.


Then I'm going to try to get the STUFF put away & start on some new dresses for dds. Who posted the website that shows how to turn a man's shirt into a girl's dress? That's my weekend project, along w/ a couple of other dresses. And maybe applying to school.

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Who posted the website that shows how to turn a man's shirt into a girl's dress? That's my weekend project, along w/ a couple of other dresses. And maybe applying to school.


That was me, and here it is.


Make a man's shirt into a toddler's dress


I hope you'll post it when you're done. I think this is so cute and can't wait for Romy to be big enough for me to make one for her.

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My weekend started early at 2 AM, logging the weeks' studies and assignments on Excel. Then oldest DS woke up at 3 AM with allergies, I gave him his Benedryl and sent him off to bed at 3:45 AM.. youngest DS woke briefly and fell back asleep. I got to bed at 4 AM and woke up at 8:30 AM.


Just finished breakfast with my oldest son Michael and we are watching together the Spectacular Spiderman on WB. DH usually watches it with him, but today he is sleeping late with our youngest Matthew.


We won't be starting any special projects until late May when we plant out pumpkin squash and pie pumpkin seeds that were saved from last Fall. We'll be tracking their growth. Once we start our project I'll be adding it to our homeschool blog.


Today, I am going for an outdoor walk and then plan my weekly menus (one for myself and one for the kids and Dh). I am doing weight watchers and I keep track of my daily points and activity.


On my list this weekend:

Laundry, vacuuming, clean the laundry room

Re-organize my homeschool files (I keep putting it off)

Work on next year's list of books/curriculum/plans

My daily Bible Devotional readings


Sunday, we have bible studies and church service.

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Today I'm taking a truckload of things to the thrift store, also going to try to find a few office chairs while I'm there. The kids were complaining about the hard chairs they have to do schoolwork in, so I tried them out, and the kids are right.


Also going to library while I'm out.


DH is going to be re-routing the heater vent in our room, putting it on the other side of the room so we can move our bed without blocking it.


We're also going to be spraying the exterior of the house because the ants are back, and there is nothing I hate more than ants in my kitchen.


Tomorrow is housework...ugh.

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1. Plant my garden (very small) with the little sprouts I started from seed a few weeks ago. Zucchini, tomatoes (big and little), lettuce, carrots, herbs, giant sunflowers.


2. Make adjustments to our new chicken tractor/coop. The orange cone isn't keeping them off the nest boxes and they are getting poo in the waterer. I saw 4 of them snuggling up to the orange cone like it was a giant teddy bear. We also need to move one end of the coop because it looks like it just barely goes into our neighbors yard. Technically it doesn't, but it's about 6 inches into the line where he typically mows and he's a bit of a fuss budget.


3. Finalize packing/planning for our short trip to Orlando next week.

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... That's my weekend project, along w/ a couple of other dresses. And maybe applying to school.


sure...if you get all the buttons sewn on, why not? ;)


hope you get the school/program you really want! well, of course you will!

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Our weekend list includes yard work. We had our roof replaced due to hail damage and now we need to update the front of the house with new (or painted rather) shutters and serious work in our garden bed. The lawn mower has been in the shop for 2 weeks so our yard looks like a meadow.


Everything was going great until I came across a small snake. I'm a girly girl and I don't do snakes. It totally freaked me out. I was in tears. I finished what I was doing but I came inside quickly. I'm done with the outdoors! DH is mowing the grass and will clean up the yard debris I left out there. Icky ick ick!


I now plan to make a trip to Target for new curtains and maybe some new furniture for the living room. I'm rearranging all the furniture to make it appealing and less cluttered and mismatched.


I'm also hunting for a new dining room table that will be less than $200. Our current table was purchased for our last home and it really doesn't fit in this house very well. I'd like to freecycle it but need a replacement before we get rid of it because otherwise we'd have no table at all. I'm going to hunt in some used furniture stores today.


We're also making a trip to home depot to buy a new shower stall (ours has a hole), and hopefully new bathroom cabinets so I don't have to paint the ones we already have.


Oh and at some point, the kids will need to be fed. Hmm.. what to do about dinner tonight? :)

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On my list of things to do this weekend:


*Clean grout in bathroom

*Clean/organize/purge playroom downstairs

*4 loads of laundry

*Clean toilets/baths/floors in both bathrooms


Ugh we are in process of getting our house ready to put on the market, and the cleaning is killing me :confused:

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