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Question about exposure to someone with whooping cough

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Okay, I know nothing about whooping cough so I'm asking the hive! Here is the situation: SIL works with a woman who was diagnosed with whooping cough early in the week (not sure exactly when). SIL then put a call in to her doctor because she had a bit of a cold and wanted to check - she didn't want to contract it and then pass it around at all the holiday parties. Doctor says it doesn't sound like she caught it. We'll be meeting this SIL for lunch on Monday. My DD (7 yrs old) has not had her last booster shot (we've done a delayed vaccination schedule) so she's not fully immunized.


I'd like to know if it's something I should be concerned about. Could SIL have contracted it but not show symptoms right away? DD always seems to gets colds in the winter and the cough just hangs on forever so whooping cough is certainly not something I want to deal with. Thank you, oh Hive, for your infinite wisdom! :D

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I had it 3 years ago-- it started Thanksgiving (we were visiting family--I thought it was a simple asthma attack) and continued through February!


I was absolutely miserable (and had to wear 'Depends' too).


I was around about 30 family members (small house)-- I did cough into my shirt and I washed my hands a lot if that matters. I remember coughing a lot around the family that night...


No family member caught it, although the health department (yes I was a 'registered' sick person) had my children take anti-biotics just in case-- DH had the option of getting swabbed (negative).


It can take anywhere from 4 days to over one month to show symptoms.


Your children can just as easily catch it from someone else in a public place... I would keep the meeting with your family member (unless she is coughing uncontrollably...and if she was she would NOT feel like meeting with you anyways!).

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It's absolutely NOT a big deal if you get antibiotics straight away!! BUT, you have to remind the DR to about pertussis (whooping cough) If they don't offer antibiotics.. ask.... and make sure you ask the pharmacist if you have the right antibiotic, right strength and right length of antibiotic. My step daughter had the symptoms for about 3 or 4 months.... because they "forgot" about pertussis when she was taken into the DRs... For us, we knew right away, got the meds... and it was over....


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Hi! I actually had whooping cough about 2 years ago. If you get it, it's very unmistakeable and it WILL send you to the doctor.


Honestly, it went away very easily with a prescription and wasn't a big deal.


I asked the dr about the vaccine thing (because I've had tons of vaccinations) and he told me that vaccines aren't foolproof and you can definitely contract something after you've been vaccinated. He also said he thought there were "bad batches" of vaccines in the 70's and it's even possible that they wear off.


*shrug* I think the actual danger is if a newborn baby or preemie caught whooping cough. THAT would be very, very bad. :glare:

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