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Mammogram question

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Has anyone been called back to have diagnostic mammogram after 1st mammogram showed calcification?


I have to go for the diagnostic mammogram tomorrow, and a little freaked out. especially since it is so close to holiday... I am not sure I will hear anything back from drs. office from results.


any advice?


UPDATE- I had the biopsy this morning. The procedure wasn't a big deal at all. I think having a root canal and crown put on was more uncomfortable. I am home and in no discomfort at all and should no the results by Friday or Monday (because of Holdiay weekend). They assured me that 80%- 85% of these biopsy are benign, even worst case would be early early signs of pre cancer or cancer.

Thanks for all the support and I will keep everyone posted. NightElf- When is your biopsy?

Edited by Emilylou
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Night Elf has been going through something very similar. Here's her first thread:




And here's her update:




I'm sure everything will turn out just fine, but I would be in a panic, too. :grouphug:



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As someone who has recently gone through this myself, I will tell you that if it is just random calcifications here and there it is nothing to be concerned with. If the calcifications are in a linear pattern or clustered together that is of more concern. MANY women have calcifications in their breasts and if you have very fiberous dense breast tissue it is even more common.


They will probably want to do an U/S after the diagnostic mammogram or even order a biopsy if they feel there is anything questionable. That DOES NOT mean you have cancer. 80% of all biopsies are benign. They may just want to get an accurate record of them and keep an eye on them (ie mammograms every 6 months for a while)


My calcifications did turn out to be cancer, but even still it is considered stage ZERO cancer and is considered curable when caught early.


Do not panic yet, the doctors now have such a fear of malpractice suits that so many people are getting call backs and it is usually fine. The new digital mammography machines pick up so much more than before so don't worry, your chances of it being nothing are much greater than it being "something".


Hugs and prayers :grouphug:

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Like Cat said, I'm going through it right now. I had a mammogram (my 3rd year) on Dec. 1st. Because of a growth of calcification that wasn't present last year, I was called back for a second mammogram and ultrasound which I did last week. I have an area of calcification that they want to examine more closely so I'm getting a biopsy next week. I really don't like that it's all happening so fast but from what I can understand, it's probably nothing. But it is still quite a scary thing. :grouphug:

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Thanks. This is exactly what is happening to me. I had the 2nd mammogram this morning, and was told I would need to go for biopsy next week on Tuesday.

Like you said it is all probably nothing, but added to the stress of the holidays I just feel yucky right now.


Thanks for all the hugs. :)


Like Cat said, I'm going through it right now. I had a mammogram (my 3rd year) on Dec. 1st. Because of a growth of calcification that wasn't present last year, I was called back for a second mammogram and ultrasound which I did last week. I have an area of calcification that they want to examine more closely so I'm getting a biopsy next week. I really don't like that it's all happening so fast but from what I can understand, it's probably nothing. But it is still quite a scary thing. :grouphug:
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I wish that they'd just start with the ultrasound and be done with it because that always rules everything out, but insurance won't pay unless the full process is done. I've never had a biopsy, but never get by with just the screening mammogram.


My doctor says that they should be modifying the protocols in the next few years so that people like me can skip some of the steps, but not yet...

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I got called back after my first-ever mammogram. The followup diagnostic showed microcalcifications, and I ended up having a "stereotactic guided needle biopsy". It was NOT fun. But the end result was that nothing was wrong. I hope your diagnostic shows that everything is fine!



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I got called back after my first-ever mammogram. The followup diagnostic showed microcalcifications, and I ended up having a "stereotactic guided needle biopsy". It was NOT fun.



I had one as well, and will never do it again. Not only was it a nightmare (post-biopsy complications), but the technician hinted to me that paying the astronomical cost of the machine is driving the high number of biopsies they are performing. :glare:

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The problem is mammograms catch things that U/S can't and MRI's catch things that both miss but you must go through each step to find out for sure.


As for Stage 0 cancer it is because DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) was "discovered" after the rating scale was invented for breast cancer. What it means is that the cancer has not left the ducts so it is not invasive and once removed has less than a 5% chance of recurring. (because I chose mastectomy I have only a 1-2% chance) It is confusing because some people don't even call it cancer because it hasn't left the ducts however it only needs one more genetic change to become invasive and it is cancer just not invasive...yet. (clear as mud?! LOL)


However, like everyone else has said, MOST people with call backs and even biopsies end up with perfectly fine results!


Sterotastic biopsies are NOT fun...but a MRI guided biopsy is even more painful, but both are worth it to find out for sure what is going on.



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Well jiminy cricket! (real word ommitted for respectful reasons :tongue_smilie: )


I suffer from anxiety so now my stress level is even higher over the needle biopsy. It's going to hurt. I'm going to cry and embarrass myself which will lead me to cry more. And on top of that, the stress I'm feeling about the whole thing has built up which will make the crying turn into sobbing. I'll look like a blubbering idiot. But OTOH, I'm going to call them tomorrow and ask if I can be medicated with anxiety medication to help me get through it. They only had a concern with the aspirin I was taking so hopefully that will be okay. Good grief. This bites.

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When I had the needle biopsy, the procedure itself didn't hurt. I was given an injection of local anesthetic, and some kind of numbing stuff first so the injection didn't hurt. During the procedure, I could feel pressure, but no pain at all. I was very nervous. The nurses (or techs or whatever they were) and the doctor were very kind and reassuring.


After your procedure is over, rest for the remainder of the day. And try to take it really easy for a few days. I remember being sore and tired for a few days. I was told to ice the biopsy site, and I was given a couple of refreezable gel packs to put in my bra. That really helped with the discomfort when the numbness wore off.



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Well jiminy cricket! (real word ommitted for respectful reasons :tongue_smilie: )


I suffer from anxiety so now my stress level is even higher over the needle biopsy. It's going to hurt. I'm going to cry and embarrass myself which will lead me to cry more. And on top of that, the stress I'm feeling about the whole thing has built up which will make the crying turn into sobbing. I'll look like a blubbering idiot. But OTOH, I'm going to call them tomorrow and ask if I can be medicated with anxiety medication to help me get through it. They only had a concern with the aspirin I was taking so hopefully that will be okay. Good grief. This bites.


Sorry to cause any more anxiety. Definately get some meds to help with that!! The pain wasn't from the proceedure it's self it was from the position/contraption you have to be in for over 30 minutes (45 for the MRI) They were all obviously designed by men. For the Stereo biopsy you have to lay on a table with one breast hanging down in a hole while the table raises up for the mamogram machine to come up to you then they do the biopsy. For the MRI you have to lay on your stomach with your arms over your head for the entire time without moving (think superman imitation while laying on your kitchen table) If you are just getting an U/S guided biopsy they are the easiest. You lie on your back they do the U/S and guide the core biopsy needle in. All 3 of these types are done with a local anestetic so you will not actually feel the biopsy. I was sore for a while afterwards, pretty bruised from the location of the biopsy but again it was the way you have to be positioned for the other two that is so hard. If you have back or neck problems it can be even harder to lay still that long. Neither of the tests are so bad you can't get up and walk out of the room when finished though. I've had more actual pain from hitting my funny bone.


I am very sorry if I added to your anxiety!!:grouphug:

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My test will be done on the table with the hole in it. I'm glad to hear the actual procedure shouldn't hurt and also am thankful to be reminded to talk to them about anything that concerns me. But I'm still going to take my "emergency" anxiety meds before I go in.


On top of this, I have to go to the dentist the following day. That's also a high anxiety situation. This is just going to be a crazy week! I foresee daily Starbucks that week. :)

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I'm sure you'll do just fine tomorrow, Beth -- the anticipation and worry are always worse than the "real thing."


The thing that helps me is to look at a clock before I leave the house and tell myself that I'll be back home by X time. It sort of puts an expiration date on the worrying for me. I do the same thing at the dentist. Before I go into the office, I tell myself that in an hour, I'll be back in the car and on my way home.


I'm probably just some kind of nut, but it honestly helps me to keep my mind on when I'll be on my way back home.



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BIOPSY was negative for cancer! Yippee!


Has anyone been called back to have diagnostic mammogram after 1st mammogram showed calcification?


I have to go for the diagnostic mammogram tomorrow, and a little freaked out. especially since it is so close to holiday... I am not sure I will hear anything back from drs. office from results.


any advice?


UPDATE- I had the biopsy this morning. The procedure wasn't a big deal at all. I think having a root canal and crown put on was more uncomfortable. I am home and in no discomfort at all and should no the results by Friday or Monday (because of Holdiay weekend). They assured me that 80%- 85% of these biopsy are benign, even worst case would be early early signs of pre cancer or cancer.

Thanks for all the support and I will keep everyone posted. NightElf- When is your biopsy?

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