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If we are just beginning Latin study ..


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I like Lively Latin, because I understood it, and it doesn't focus on memorization.



:iagree:I just posted on this: we've used Lively Latin for one week and my son (9yo) and I LOVE it. He COULD do it independently (mostly), which is great for me, but I actually enjoy the lessons and do them, too. Totally recommend it!

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Getting Started with Latin has been a nice, gentle approach for my 11 year old. It's not expensive, and you can download (for free) his commentary/pronunciation for each lesson on his website.




We are also enjoying GSWL. Its very easy, 1 lesson a day, 1 new word or concept and 10 sentences to read / translate.

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I would consider Minimus, only the workbook is needed. You don't need the teacher's edition. It is a sort of comic book approach. It doesn't have a grammar component, you learn the words in context. It is brief, you can finish it in 12 weeks and it has lots of possible activities as a tie in.


Then, once an interest has been kindled, go to lively latin. It has the grammar component and some interesting history etc.


If you think Lively Latin is a good enough place to start, then by all means, skip Minimus. I only suggest it because it is fun. It can also make a great supplement to any Latin program.

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Well, I don't really expect anyone to take this advice but if I had it to do over again, this is what I'd do.


I'd start taking Latin myself with a teacher (online or whatever).

Simultaneously I would start my children memorizing/chanting E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G! They would memorize all the declentions, conjugations, constructions, ablatives, et c. as well as some vocabulary for fun if they wanted.


Then, when all the declentions, constructions, conjugations, et c. were memorized and recalled easily and quickly and I had finished Lingua Latina myself, I'd move my kids into that.

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I did a lot of research about this last year, when my kids were the same age as yours. I read a lot here and other places on the web. I ended up ordering Song School Latin for my 8 year old (because he was not a fluent reader yet) and Latin For Children Primer A for my 11 year old.


We love them both. The chants/songs that go with the lessons help my children remember the Latin more proficiently. And it's not just rote memorization... the information is sticking. Which is one of my main goals in homeschooling. :D


Classical Academic Press (the company that puts out these two programs), also has a lot of go-alongs on their website. They have videos, games for the students, readers, coloring sheets for the younger kids, worksheets for the older kids, articles and tips for parents, etc.


I researched a couple other curricula, and there were various reasons I didn't choose them.


Lively Latin was too much seat work for my 8 year old. He's a boy and just could not do that much seat work. Also, I read that Lively Latin has bad customer service.


At the moment, I can't remember why I didn't choose any of the others. :001_huh:

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