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If you were designing a protest T-shirt

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couple thoughts:


1) I pay about $40 to use a library in a different state from the one in which I live. It is so worth it. It has always gone fairly smoothly. For the $40, everyone in my family (kids, hubby, me) gets their own card. (On which we can each check out a max of 99 books. Ask me how I know. :D)


2) Emails really aren't going to get you anywhere. The tone is hard to read on both ends, and not everyone is into typing long responses. Plus, there's less give-and-take or opportunity for active listening. I would start by calling every one of the board members. Use your best active listening skills and gently probe about the situation surrounding the decision. (As opposed to putting forth your arguments - that can wait until later.) It sounds like they fear that they may lose some source of funding if they serve non-residents. This may be something hard-and-fast and in-writing, or it may be a political mood (why should we, residents of city A, fund a library used mainly by those elite reader types over in city B which doesn't even contribute) that is less easy to pin down but nonetheless real. If the latter, it may be harder to get anyone to frankly discuss it with you. Make sure the board members get the idea that you aren't a crazed lunatic who is trying to be argumentative; rather, you are a member of the team who is going to address finding a solution to the problem at hand, to your mutual benefit.


3) Have you considered calling officials in your town to see if they can work something out with the library's town? Perhaps your town, however small, can kick in some funding?


4) Like others have said, county officials and state officials (both appointed and elected) may be of use.

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For a T-shirt idea, how about the direct route:


Ask me why....... My Williamsburg Library card was taken away Feb 1, 2011. With mug-shot-style pictures of your kids under it. WERE YOURS?




In 2010 Williamsburg Regional Library revoked 1,234 library cards on Feb 1, 2011 Ask me why..... (of course find out the real number LOL)



It isn't too clever, but it may give people the chance to ask you, and for you to give a voice to the issue.

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I don't know if any of these have already been suggested? I've just spent an hour or so reading library and book quotes, and I have to say I'm feeling amped up now for the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge! :D GO BOOKS!

Access to books is always worth fighting for! Good luck-


A democratic society depends upon an informed and educated citizenry.

— Thomas JEFFERSON (1743-1826)


Information is the currency of democracy.

— Thomas JEFFERSON (1743-1826)


Nutrimentum spiritus.

(Food for the soul.)

— Inscription on the Berlin Royal Library.

Maybe under I'd write something like

The people are hungry!


Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest. ~Lady Bird Johnson

I'd add something about being denied a card.


“Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no futureâ€

Ray Bradbury quotes (American science-fiction short stories and novels writer,1920)

Again I'd add something cleverish


A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.

--Henry Ward Beecher


"If you didn't want them to think, you shouldn't have given them library cards."

--Getting Straight, 1970 film.

Thanks to Dalton Good for this one.



I kind of miss going to protests with my friends, it was always so funny to meet up and read each others signs. Someone would always have a totally inappropriate one, or a bad one.

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I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a library card today.


I wanted to buy a library card, but all I got was a canned response and this t-shirt.



FWIW, Susan, I work in libraries and the idea of NOT letting people pay for a library card is an absolutely and undeniably irresponsible one. The library trustees should be outed and made to answer publically. They are entrusted with the welfare of the library (hence the trustee wording -- it is surprising how many trustees don't get this). Not accepting honest funds for honest service is anathema to the entire public library ethos. I dare say I find it offensive.

Edited by Audrey
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