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Here's one from today. Dd likes raising caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies. She asked for some for Christmas, and last week they all emerged from their chrysalises. (Which really is a funny in itself: One of the chrysalises had leaked some sticky black fluid and we thought it was probably dead, but it too emerged as an adult. It evidently didn't have sufficient fluid to fully expand its wings, however, and they are a little crumpled. Dd, being who she is, immediately decided she had been blessed with a "rare butterwalk" since it walked and did not fly. After a day or two she saw it sort of fluttering around, though, and it is now affectionately referred to as "the butterflutter".) Since it's too cold outside to release them, she is feeding them orange slices and sugar water, as per the instruction sheet, and has high hopes that they will lay some eggs. She has been watching them closely and reporting to me regularly as to what they are doing.


So today she wandered down from her room and the following conversation ensued:


Dd: "My butterflies are all walking around showing off their wings. I think they're trying to convince somebody to mate with them. OH! Maybe I'll catch them mating and then I can see what awkward position butterflies use to mate!"

Me: "Um....what do you mean?"

Dd: "Well, I've seen some grasshoppers mating before, and THEY use a VERY awkward position."

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Here's one from today. Dd likes raising caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies. She asked for some for Christmas, and last week they all emerged from their chrysalises. (Which really is a funny in itself: One of the chrysalises had leaked some sticky black fluid and we thought it was probably dead, but it too emerged as an adult. It evidently didn't have sufficient fluid to fully expand its wings, however, and they are a little crumpled. Dd, being who she is, immediately decided she had been blessed with a "rare butterwalk" since it walked and did not fly. After a day or two she saw it sort of fluttering around, though, and it is now affectionately referred to as "the butterflutter".) Since it's too cold outside to release them, she is feeding them orange slices and sugar water, as per the instruction sheet, and has high hopes that they will lay some eggs. She has been watching them closely and reporting to me regularly as to what they are doing.


So today she wandered down from her room and the following conversation ensued:


Dd: "My butterflies are all walking around showing off their wings. I think they're trying to convince somebody to mate with them. OH! Maybe I'll catch them mating and then I can see what awkward position butterflies use to mate!"

Me: "Um....what do you mean?"

Dd: "Well, I've seen some grasshoppers mating before, and THEY use a VERY awkward position."


LOL Your kids sound so cute. :)

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Here's one from today. Dd likes raising caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies. She asked for some for Christmas, and last week they all emerged from their chrysalises. (Which really is a funny in itself: One of the chrysalises had leaked some sticky black fluid and we thought it was probably dead, but it too emerged as an adult. It evidently didn't have sufficient fluid to fully expand its wings, however, and they are a little crumpled. Dd, being who she is, immediately decided she had been blessed with a "rare butterwalk" since it walked and did not fly. After a day or two she saw it sort of fluttering around, though, and it is now affectionately referred to as "the butterflutter".) Since it's too cold outside to release them, she is feeding them orange slices and sugar water, as per the instruction sheet, and has high hopes that they will lay some eggs. She has been watching them closely and reporting to me regularly as to what they are doing.


So today she wandered down from her room and the following conversation ensued:


Dd: "My butterflies are all walking around showing off their wings. I think they're trying to convince somebody to mate with them. OH! Maybe I'll catch them mating and then I can see what awkward position butterflies use to mate!"

Me: "Um....what do you mean?"

Dd: "Well, I've seen some grasshoppers mating before, and THEY use a VERY awkward position."


super cute, my DH woul dhave quickly left the room.

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super cute, my DH woul dhave quickly left the room.


I have a LOT of practice keeping a straight face. :D


She later informed me that she was a "butterfly charmer" because when she sings to them, "they sorta DANCE!"


She sings with great gusto, very close to the mesh. It creates enough of a breeze that the butterflies have to adjust their wings a little to maintain balance. ;)

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I have a LOT of practice keeping a straight face. :D


She later informed me that she was a "butterfly charmer" because when she sings to them, "they sorta DANCE!"


She sings with great gusto, very close to the mesh. It creates enough of a breeze that the butterflies have to adjust their wings a little to maintain balance. ;)


Awwww!!! That is too cute! :lol:

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This just illustrates the big leap ds (5) made in reading lately, but it was SO funny at the time.


The kids had just gotten into their PJs and were waiting in our bed for dh to start a movie on his laptop. Meanwhile, dh is replying to an e-mail (work-related to a co-worker). Ds just leans over and starts reading both e-mails aloud. It was HILARIOUS to hear these words coming out of his mouth. (It struck me as a rather "in your face" way of showing his father how well he can read now. Nothing in print is safe from him.) :tongue_smilie:

Edited by zaichiki
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My son was reading aloud from Homer's Odyssey. Nestor is addressing his guests.


"Now is a better time to interrogate our guests and ask them who they are, now they have had the pleasure of eating strangers. Who are you?"


[slight pause]


"I think I got the period in the wrong place. That would be, 'pleasure of eating. Strangers, who are you?'"



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I'm cracking up reading these.


My contribution:


DD7 (always full of questions) laughingly asked this week what size underwear I thought Moses wore. :blink: I must say it's not a question I'd ever considered nor is it a picture that is all that pleasant to consider. :001_smile:

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I'm cracking up reading these.


My contribution:


DD7 (always full of questions) laughingly asked this week what size underwear I thought Moses wore. :blink: I must say it's not a question I'd ever considered nor is it a picture that is all that pleasant to consider. :001_smile:



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DS3: When you die and go to heaven, you will have powers to come back with more eggs, so that I can have a brother or sister. And next time, I want you to give me genes for wings!





Mom to DS3. Mix 'n match grade material.

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