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Teachers' Lounge! 12-14-2010

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Suppertime, suppertime, sup-sup-supp....what? Oh, yeah, lunch. Lunchtime, lunchtime, lunch-lunch-lun...well, you get the idea! :D


What's for lunch? Me: a chicken salad sandwich and an IBC rootbeer from the gut truck.



What's frustrating you today? Me: my husband just.not.getting.it.


What's the COOLEST thing that's happened to you today? Me: someone put my kids' names in at school for an Angel Tree-type of thing and today I went and picked up the presents! Along with those presents, I was given a $30 gift certificate to a local grocery store and a coupon for a free dozen eggs! SWEET!




Talk to me! :bigear:

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Well, for lunch I used our monthly special stash and took the kids to Subway on our way to the library. I had a buffalo chicken sub with a M&M cookie.


What's frustrating me today? Kids that seem incapable of speaking kindly to one another. They have become uncivilized monsters, and I'm not sure how that happened!


The coolest thing of the day? Hmmm, I've a couple cool things happen today - at Subway I ordered 4 waters (so as not to go over my $20 budget, and because it's healthy) and the guy said "You can get whatever you want to drink - you've spent enough money here today!" AND I just won a four pack of tickets to the movies from our local Red Cross chapter:party:

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Lunch: DS16 ramen, DS13 leftover lasagna, DS8 & me cheese & crackers, DS5 pb toast with cinnamon-sugar, and grapes for all


Dinner is in the crockpot: Mushu chicken wraps (aka stinky chicken)


Today's Happiness: My car started! It wouldn't start on Sunday or yesterday, but it works just fine today.

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Lunch: Green beans, broccoli, and zucchini. Mmm...greens! PB&J for the kiddos.

Dinner: leftover beans made into burritos!

I'm baking today and kids have been playing nicely. Good day! ;)

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Lunch: $1.25 frozen pizzas


Dinner: ? Not sure we're going to have dinner tonight. :glare: Starting at 2:30 today, we have Girl Scouts, Cheerleading and my son is singing Christmas Carols in a nursing home with his Boy Scout Pack.


Something cool: $1.25 frozen pizzas??


:D We are on break from school in December, which is great.

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Lunch: Peanut butter and honey sandwiches and milk. And ibuprofen for mom. As a chaser to the cold and asthma meds I had for breakfast.


Supper: Don't know yet. Maybe spaghetti. Something easy.


Frustration: Third week being sick, and I'm tired of it.


Cool: Slept all night without waking myself up coughing and needing more meds. Yay!

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Dinner: leftover chili and salad and cheese/bean quesedillas for kids

Lunch: was potluck at my church - staff Christmas party today :)

Frustration: incoming snow/ice means a cool field trip and a fun hs moms get together on Thursday will both likely be cancelled.

Happy: got a $10 Panera gift card in the crazy Santa game today at lunch



Hope y'all had a good day!

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Lunch: brunch stuff- eggs and bagles and choc chip cookies with walnuts and coconut.

Dinner: BK (we are out and about today)

Happiness: Been frustrated all darn month. Just down and out with sadness and frustration about money, where we're at with the house, Dad dying, etc. Had a revelation today as I was blogging my pity-party. 3 cheers for the therapy of writing.

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