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Status Update...Where are you in your yearly school schedule?


In general, we are...  

  1. 1. In general, we are...

    • behind
    • on time
    • ahead
    • "other"

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We're on time! Hip Hip Hooray! We've had so much of "life happening" the last five years that this feels amazing. Admittedly, I did not schedule out a heavy load. My D MIL passed away 1 week before school started and no one in the house wanted to start school, particularly me. All the same, I am pleased with where we are at.

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We just completed day 100, so we're ahead in that regard, since we need to do 180 and we aren't stopping for the holidays until next week. We're on time with history, science, geography, and math. We do art every week, although we don't always use our main program (Artistic Pursuits) so we haven't done as many Artistic Pursuits lessons as we've done weeks of school, but we have done art. :) We're behind with spelling because we didn't start Phonics Road until several weeks into our school year. I wanted DD to be reading a little better than she was before we started. All in all, I think that puts us about on time. The filing system also really helped us there! However, I didn't file for the entire school year, and once I finished the weeks I had filed, I didn't file for the rest of the year. It was too time-consuming, so instead I copied or printed and filed everything I needed for each subject separately. That took much less time, and now that I've figured out how to stay on track by using the weekly filing system, it works just as well for me to do it by subject. I feel pretty great about what we've accomplished so far. :)

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I voted 'other'.

We're on track w/ everything except math because we are using 2 curriculums this year and I've struggled w/ how to get this done. However I am loving how much he's learning, so if we end up doing a couple of extra weeks of math during the summer, it's ok. Science got a little off track because we decided to do something different, but not what I would consider 'behind'.

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