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The way CostCo shopping was meant to be....

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First, send hubby with list & chatter while he drives the 90 minutes to Costco, then talk him thru the shopping list/impulse buys while you sit & watch a movie w/ the kids.


Make sure he has to double-back to get a forgotten item (at least once) and that the cart is almost filled to the brim, but then hang up right before he reaches the check out so you don't have hear the total.


I made sure he got himself a little something for his trouble- a $1 churro. :tongue_smilie:

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I must be the weird one. I LOVE Costco and Sam's!!!! I have membership to both, and I walk the aisle for therapy ;). There so clean and organized...it's calming.


Yes, I am one odd kitten!


When the kids are too wild, I take them to Costco. They'll behave to get the hot dog and Churro dinner. I also think it scares them so they stay in the cart.

(To the food police, I do this about every 6 weeks and Costco hot dogs are nitrate free.)

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