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Do you ever feel like everyone else has it together BUT YOU??

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Like, everyone is near perfect and they all have these near perfect children? Especially other homeschoolers? I've been feeling this way SO OFTEN lately. It can really over power me and make me feel terrible.


I feel like *I'm* not good enough as a mother especially and that everyone else's children are so much...more than mine. I guess so much more cooperative, helpful, respectful, enthusiastic to do different activities, on and on and on.


What's going ON with me? I mean, besides being almost 15 weeks pregnant and emotional. I feel...like I just don't measure up. Sigh...what is WRONG with me?

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Like, everyone is near perfect and they all have these near perfect children? Especially other homeschoolers? I've been feeling this way SO OFTEN lately. It can really over power me and make me feel terrible.


I feel like *I'm* not good enough as a mother especially and that everyone else's children are so much...more than mine. I guess so much more cooperative, helpful, respectful, enthusiastic to do different activities, on and on and on.


What's going ON with me? I mean, besides being almost 15 weeks pregnant and emotional. I feel...like I just don't measure up. Sigh...what is WRONG with me?


I know I have often felt like you are feeling...the good thing about feelings is they change! Just a few weeks ago I was emotionally done trying to homeschool, but I knew I couldn't quit for various reasons. I started pressing closer to God & just giving it all over to Him. It's changed my outlook tremendously, & without that even being my conscious goal. I just wanted to get closer so I could make it through what I HAD to do, but God has been changing my perspective into one that is enjoying what I am doing here with my kids. BTW, I am pg, too (20 weeks), & I have 5 kids 11 & under. Seek God for His vision for your family & remember not to compare that to anyone else's family! I just realized that I can ask 20 people for answers to my problems & I may get 20 different answers that won't work for my situation...no one else has my unique family, with their personalities, gifts, & struggles. God is the only one who can really fully understand & give you wisdom & grace for your unique situation!


A good read when I'm feeling that way is "Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe", by Todd Wilson. Hope you are on the upswing again soon! Don't underestimate the power of those pregnancy hormones! ;)

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uh-huh...but you know what? it doesn't really matter to me anymore. i am not perfect, my kids aren't perfect, my house is far from perfect, I mess stuff up, i break more glasses than my kids...but ...so what? Heck, i am happy when we all eat 3 squares and get out of our jammies before noon.


I am happy for the most part, my kids confide in me..(I am not perfect and they know it...and I also know they are not perfect.) I have a great husband who is also not perfect....Really, it is ok. Jesus is perfect. me, not so much. :lol:


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Guest mrsjamiesouth
uh-huh...but you know what? it doesn't really matter to me anymore. i am not perfect, my kids aren't perfect, my house is far from perfect, I mess stuff up, i break more glasses than my kids...but ...so what? Heck, i am happy when we all eat 3 squares and get out of our jammies before noon. Jesus is perfect. me, not so much. :lol:




:iagree: Think about what you would be missing out on if you keep trying to attain perfection. If I want a perfectly, spotless house than I couldn't allow my children to help me roll out sugar cookies and cut the shapes because they got flour all over the table and floor. If I want to look perfect, than I can't roll down a hill in the grass with my kids because my hair would get tangled and I might have grass stains. If I want a perfect homeschool day we will miss on learning about patience and forgiveness instead.

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I feel like *I'm* not good enough as a mother especially and that everyone else's children are so much...more than mine. I guess so much more cooperative, helpful, respectful, enthusiastic to do different activities, on and on and on.




Ah, that is just a front....I have a theory about this. it is like a zit. If it is on your nose, it is a flashing bulb. If it is on someone elses nose, no biggie. I hear my kids louder than I hear other peoples kids. Why do I care if someone else's kid is raising a ruckous...I have my own problems. If my kids hair is a mess, it seems like they went through a blender...If someone else's kids hair is a mess, well that kid looks like they are having fun to me.:D

Why would I care? I think we are supposed to be more in tune with our own kids and not so much with other kids...KWIM?


So, give yourself a break...Those other kids are just as rotten. :D


Faithe (who has lots of rotten kids. )

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NO!!! I don't feel that way AT ALL anymore!


But I once did. I've gotten to know so many of those "perfect" people personally and for each and every one that opened up and was transparent, their cr@p stunk just as much as ours, IYKWIM. The people who don't truly share with you on a personal level will always seem more perfect because you don't know them! EVERYONE struggles with something but not everyone shares. So those who don't share will always seem more perfect, but I know they aren't.


We all fail as wives and moms. Everyone fails and makes mistakes. That's how we learn to improve! Don't be so hard on yourself. When you do something wrong, forgive yourself and try harder next time.

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Ah, that is just a front....I have a theory about this. it is like a zit. If it is on your nose, it is a flashing bulb. If it is on someone elses nose, no biggie. I hear my kids louder than I hear other peoples kids. Why do I care if someone else's kid is raising a ruckous...I have my own problems. If my kids hair is a mess, it seems like they went through a blender...If someone else's kids hair is a mess, well that kid looks like they are having fun to me.:D

Why would I care? I think we are supposed to be more in tune with our own kids and not so much with other kids...KWIM?


So, give yourself a break...Those other kids are just as rotten. :D


Faithe (who has lots of rotten kids. )


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