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Had a rough day!

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My 5 yr old ds is the sweetest thing on the planet. But when he is moody, he is MOODY! He whines, cries, shouts, pouts, screams, mouths off! He has been on one all day long. I finally had to walk out the door and leave for awhile in tears. I couldn't take it! He whined at the grocery store wanting to get toys or candy. I told him no and he went off about how I always get what I want. I get to choose everything that we buy. Like my idea of a shopping spree would include a gallon of milk, cheerios, and toilet paper. I tried explaining nicely, but he doesn't listen. I get half way through a sentence, or even all the way through and he just repeats himself over and over.... like I said nothing. I am at my wits end. He is driving me crazy! Somehow I think there was a mix up. I don't think I was the woman who was supposed to raise him! He is exhausting! When he is in these moods I just go to bed crying and drained. I get nothing else done during the day because my energy has been sucked dry. Ugh! Just needed to vent.

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I have a 5 yr old who can be like that as well. (((hugs)))) to you as you recover from your bad day.


I can't tell if you are asking for advice/suggestions, so I won't offer any just yet, but if you'd like some tips of what works for me with my son, I would be happy to share.


Mostly I just wanted to empathize with you. Those days are HARD. My cure? A soak in a hot tub, with a book and a soothing drink (coffee, hot tea, glass of wine, whatever the day calls for....).


I hope today is a better day for you and your son. ((((hugs again)))))

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I have a 5 yr old who can be like that as well. (((hugs)))) to you as you recover from your bad day.


I can't tell if you are asking for advice/suggestions, so I won't offer any just yet, but if you'd like some tips of what works for me with my son, I would be happy to share.


Mostly I just wanted to empathize with you. Those days are HARD. My cure? A soak in a hot tub, with a book and a soothing drink (coffee, hot tea, glass of wine, whatever the day calls for....).


I hope today is a better day for you and your son. ((((hugs again)))))


Was just venting... but help would be welcome!

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If he is moody cancel anything fun he was going to do that day. If you were going to take him to a Cub Scout meeting, don't. If anyone asks why your child wasn't at an activity tell them he was having a bad day. Give him one warning. It may seem harsh, but it will probably be the last time he does it.

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