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Broken back tooth- why, exactly, should I not just get it pulled???

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I am SO OVER root canals, crowns and the blankety-blank-blank DENTIST!


Tonight my last molar broke, or maybe it happened earlier, but I noticed only tonight. It hurts, darnit. I will have to try and get into the dentist tomorrow, and I'm guessing I;m facing another root canal crown scenario.


We just had a $700 vet visit, and now THIS!


I just hate the dentist, I have terrible teeth, always have, and it is so tiring trying to save all these bad teeth. Its my last molar. Why, exactly, can't I just have the darn thing pulled rather than endure the root canal/crown/$2000 saga??


The dentist says you shouldalways pull as a dead last resort, but...I truly feel at the end of my rope here. Like I just cannot face the endodontist, hours long appts, all that moeny...again.




I'm scared.


Someone tell me why its worth it, please?

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Because you need to chew. If you don't want a crown, the other option would be implants. I've assisted on implant surgery; you might be happier with the crown. Another option would be dentures, but I think that would be a drastic move at this point.


I know it's the pits sitting in an endo's chair forever for a root canal, but you do need to be able to chew.

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I can't tell you why you shouldn't have it pulled, I am in the same situation. Although my tooth has gone beyond repair. We have no insurance and I can't wait until I can get it pulled. I had another back tooth pulled several years ago after a failed root canal. I have suffered no consequences from that, other than my top teeth are actually a little straighter.


I'll be interested to see what others say. Until then you bring the ice, I'll bring the ibuprofen.

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I just got the prep work done for a molar today. YUCK! This is my third molar to be crowned. Luckily, I don't need a root canal. Well, as of today I don't. You know that can change if the nerve doesn't settle down after the crown, but I am hopeful. I have had to have one root canal, but the other molar settled down after about 8 MONTHS...I kid you NOT! I have been lucky enough to catch my problems before they break...mine have just been fractures.


Why do it get crowns instead of extractions? I think it is important to try to save teeth.


Can you find a family dentist to do the work? They can usually do routine root canals and crowns, and they are usually a little cheaper. I had an endodontist do one root canal, and I will never do that again. I found out later that the only reason my family dentist didn't do it is because he had injured his finger and couldn't. My family dentist now does them all the time.


I do feel sorry for you! I am in the same boat. Why is it worth it? Because they are the only teeth you have!

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The dentist is still trying to save my father's failing teeth. He says that pulling the teeth puts the opposing and adjacent teeth at risk because they then can shift or loosen as a result. That, I believe, is most dentist's reasons for trying so hard to save teeth.

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Sorry for your problems but glad to know I am not alone. I have been told for two years that I need crowns on my two back molars but even with insurance it is just out-of-sight! Thank the Lord, I am not in pain but am concerned about a break which may lead to further issues like root canals. If I can hold out until the end of the year I am going to get it taken care of.


I do agree you have to try to save your teeth. My mother had three implants which she thinks are great now. The catch is that it took her about a year to recover because she needed bone grafts before they could do the implants and then the bone did not take, later there was infection. Well, anyway, try to save your teeth as long as possible. The alternative is much worse.

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I am missing the 2 back teeth on the right side of my mouth. I have to chew most things only on the left side of my mouth and my jaw is misaligned. I cannot eat raw nuts because they are too hard and my jaw pops.


I had those teeth 10 years ago because of some pain and elected (couldn't afford) to have partial made. Given the choice again, I would do everything I could to get the money to fix it right.


If I were you I'd get a crown or get it fixed however it needs it. It will only cause you more trouble as you get older. IMHO.

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