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Pretty much a vent but also a question

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This morning I had to go to the GYN and have a medical procedure done. I was very nervous, the procedure was uncomfortable, and I am totally stressed about having no insurance and having to pay for all of it our of pocket.


On top of all that I didn't eat breakfast, I was nervous and was rushing to get ready and out the door.


After 2 hours at the Dr.s office I went to Wal-Mart and dropped off my perscriptions. I had about 25 minutes to kill so I did my grocery shopping. Dh was home with the kids so gorcery shopping kid free! Can't beat that.:) About halfway through I started feeling my anesthetic wear off. So I finished up quickly and picked up my perscriptions and went to check out. Typical of my Wal Mart there were only a few lines open. I ended up waiting in line for 35 minutes! By the time I was checking out I was sweating and in pain and ready to get out of there.


So this is where I got really frustrated. The checker started telling me how ***chy (and yes she used the B word) her CS was (I assumed this was the person above her). How she hasn't had a break and she is a smoker and needs her breaks. How "they" never have enough cashiers and the ones they do have pay for it. And on and on it went. I had all my bags in my cart and she was still complainig. I just walked away.


Now, I realize that I was already uptight about my own issues, but I am really really annoyed that I was subjected to that! I am there trying to get the most for money, I already have waited a long time in line then I have to listen to her carp.


I like to interact with cashiers but I don't think the customer should have to hear all that.


My question was going to be, Would you call Wal Mart and complain? But I have already decided I am going to do that.


Ok I am done. :001_huh:

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I would definitely call and complain. I worked in the fabric dept. at Wal-Mart, and my coworkers and I were very careful not to discuss personal matters or work complaints in front of customers. While on the clock, we were there to serve the customer, not ourselves. This involves not only being helpful, but also being cheerful so that we don't drag anyone else down. That woman was totally unprofessional and is giving the company and the other employees a bad name.

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I had too many of those kinds of experiences and finally decided my time and my sanity were worth the few extra pennies I pay to shop elsewhere. I also decided I resented giving my money to a company that clearly couldn't care less about customer service.


For what it's worth, the day I swore off Wal-Mart I sat down and wrote them an actual letter--on paper!- explaining why I would not be shopping there any longer.




A year later, I wrote them again expressing how happy I was to be celebrating that "anniversary" and mentioning that their total lack of response to my initial letter just proved I had been right to walk away.


That time, someone called and left me a message on my voice mail. I didn't return the call, and no one followed up with me.


So, I guess it couldn't hurt to call and complain, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to make any difference.

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I couldn't agree more. Each time I go there I repeat, "this is what I get for shopping here." I've not been once in the past 5 years that the experience wasn't a nightmare. You can try calling, but don't expect much. Customer service just isn't a priority.




I had too many of those kinds of experiences and finally decided my time and my sanity were worth the few extra pennies I pay to shop elsewhere. I also decided I resented giving my money to a company that clearly couldn't care less about customer service.


For what it's worth, the day I swore off Wal-Mart I sat down and wrote them an actual letter--on paper!- explaining why I would not be shopping there any longer.




A year later, I wrote them again expressing how happy I was to be celebrating that "anniversary" and mentioning that their total lack of response to my initial letter just proved I had been right to walk away.


That time, someone called and left me a message on my voice mail. I didn't return the call, and no one followed up with me.


So, I guess it couldn't hurt to call and complain, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to make any difference.

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I couldn't agree more. Each time I go there I repeat, "this is what I get for shopping here." I've not been once in the past 5 years that the experience wasn't a nightmare. You can try calling, but don't expect much. Customer service just isn't a priority.




I called corporate and he said a manager would be calling me in the next couple of days. And I am SOOO Mad at myself because I did not get her name. :glare:

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