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S/O TSA procedure poll: why do you think WTMers are so different?

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TBH, my guess is that there is a correlation BTW political affiliation & approval of gov't policies. (Of course this is not 100%.) But, in general, people trust the fed gov't more when they approve of & trust their leaders.


When GWB was president, the liberals/progressives/democrats yelled abt gov't intrusions on civil rights (unwarranted internet/wire taps, etc etc)


Now that it is Obama, the conservatives/republicans are yelling abt gov't intrusions. .. (TSA)


So, IMHO, I think that the generally conservative slant of the folks on this board. . . leads to the difference.


Funny how that works. It works both ways.

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I'm also suspicious of the polls, but I think a big part of the reason is that HSers have already shown a non-conformist tendency, or they wouldn't be here in the first place. The dominant cultures tells us to let the schools be responsible for all our children's schooling. Most people go along with this, but we have issues. Seems reasonable that would translate into skepticism of other decisions the government wants to make for us.

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I'm also suspicious of the polls, but I think a big part of the reason is that HSers have already shown a non-conformist tendency, or they wouldn't be here in the first place.


This. Also, many Americans don't even know what the Constitution says, so they're not aware their rights are being violated.

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What were the poll questions? "Are you glad the govt is doing something -- anything -- to keep people safe from terrorism on planes?" Or were they, "Do you think everyone except politicians and women in burqas should have naked pictures taken of them and/or be subjected to invasive body searches -- more invasive than the "wand" method -- if they want to fly on a commercial aircraft?"


It's all in how you ask.

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That's easy.

Research is a way of life for homeschooling parents looking for the right curriculum.

Then of course, that curriculum needs to be tweaked once it's found.


Finding the flaws in the TSA's policies and making suggestions is the natural response for us :lol:

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The data in the polls was bunk.

They only surveyed the part of the population that would give the response they wanted to get.

We are smarter.

We do more research.

If we were good little conformists, our children would be in public school learning to love, appreciate, obey, and WANT the enhanced airport security.

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I'm also suspicious of the polls, but I think a big part of the reason is that HSers have already shown a non-conformist tendency, or they wouldn't be here in the first place. The dominant cultures tells us to let the schools be responsible for all our children's schooling. Most people go along with this, but we have issues. Seems reasonable that would translate into skepticism of other decisions the government wants to make for us.




My step-dad works for the TSA at Detroit Metro Airport. I called him and asked him his opinion on all the hoop-la about this after reading all the threads here and seeing how upset everyone was. He was confused. He said it has been pretty much business as usual...people go through the scanner...no big deal...he hasn't seen one single person even put up a fuss. So he was surprised to hear about some of the anger on these threads.


His response (and this is a quote so please excuse me) "Do they think I actually WANT to touch some guy's junk? It's not like we are getting our jollies by doing it. I'm just doing my job. I have a family to feed just like everyone else. I am not the anti-christ." He also said that, at least in Detroit, the scanning screen is in another room so no one can see it except the person manning the screen (it's not out in the open) AND that every word they say and every move they make is videotaped so if they WERE to say something inappropriate about someone going through the scanner they would be fired. In addition, he said that the vast majority of people just go through the scanner and they have to pat down very few people in comparison.


At any rate...it seems like "most" Americans are just going with the flow but we hive-mind members tend to go against the flow in a lot of ways.

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A Zogby poll of likely voters has the number at 61% in opposition, with 50% of Democrats opposing, and a far greater number of Republicans and Independents.


I would say, that most people don't think about it. They just say, "well, that's what has to be done for me to fly." I do think, however, that the new procedures are starting to get more play -- and on the heels of everything else people are "ticked off" about, this is just adding fuel to the fire. Some people are having to actually think through things for the first time -- never occurred to them to challenge anything before.


I also read somewhere that they are preparing to roll out (in specific areas) scanners for trains and buses as well. I'll try to post links to both the Zogby poll, and the roll-out of the scanners when I can.

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