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Name thread for HISTORY buffs...

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Can you name historical families who had a boy 4th?


My husband has TONS of girls names but NO boy names he likes so with our last son, he just thought about boys who were 3rd in their families and we ended up naming our 3rd child Seth (Adam & Eve's 3rd son). He wants to do the same thing with our next child (due in a month - our 4th child - a boy). If it was a girl, her name would be Anastasia (since she was the 4th child) but alas, it's a boy ;)


So, any suggestions? The more the better!



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Ok, George III's 4th son's name was Edward. George V's 4th son's name was George. Queen Victoria's 4th son's name was Leopold. Just a couple..prolly not exactly popular names but they are the names of 4th sons.


The only one I could come up with was Henry VIII's 4th child was Edward IV...I thought it would be HILARIOUS if we named him Edward IV! :)

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If you want to stay Biblical, you could go with Judah, the 4th son of Jacob.


If you go with the British monarchy, in the House of Plantagenet you have:


John (4th son of Henry II, and King of England)

Edmund (4th son of of Edward I)

Edmund (4th son of Edward III)

Humphrey (4th son of Henry IV)

Richard (4th son of Richard II?)


In the House of Windsor you have:

Alfred (4th child, son of Queen Victoria)

Henry (4th child of George V)



There are probably more I missed in there, but those are the ones I came up with!


ETA: I was looking at 4th in the birth order, not just sons, so to look at 4th son might change some of the possible names.

Edited by FairProspects
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Edward is a popular name for 4th sons I guess. Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father) had a 4th son named Edward. Czar Nicholas I of Russia's 4th son was named Michael. Czar Alexander II of Russia's 4th son was named Alexis. George H.W. Bush's 4th son is named Marvin. Theodore Roosevelt's 4th son was named Quentin.


I could go on all day. This is neat.

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Does it have to be 4th son? Could it be the 4th name in a line of familiar male names or historical events that are meaningful to you: 4th US president, 4th book of the New Testament, 4th man to walk on the moon, 4th man to summit Mt. Everest, etc.


oooh! there's an idea!

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Actually he was Edward VI-and he was only the 4th if you count an illegitimate son.


She also could have been counting the infant son that Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon had together. I know he only lived for a month and chroniclers during that time didn't really count babies who died that young but I think that one is significant because he was the first male child Henry VIII had. If we started counting illegitimates with any of the royal families, we would be here for a while. :001_smile:

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