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Movie Suggestions for 13yo boy

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We don't have TV reception, but we do have Netflix and it's great, but I'm running out of ideas for movies.


Most the new stuff has a lot of visual gore or foul language, which no one in our house really likes. The rating systems don't make sense or aren't consistent.


Please give me some movie suggestions or TV series. We really like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comedy, a little Kung-Fu, and spy type Action/Adventure - not so much blow-em up stuff though. He doesn't like Romance.at.all.

For TV series, we tried watching Heros, but the gore was too much for him. He loved Firefly, Survivorman and Star Trek.



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How about Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis? I think there's an "eye-shielding" scene in the pilot of SG1, but the remaining 9.9 seasons and two straight-to-video movies are appropriate for a 13-year-old. It's sci-fi, action, and quite a bit of comedy. The "unrequited romance" is extremely subtle, most guys don't even notice. :-)


I can't handle Heroes either, it gives me nightmares.

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The Karate Kid (2010)

Psych - TV Series

Leverage - TV Series (7 out of 5 stars) - I always watch and edit first. Only one or two were inappropriate - or what I would class as inappropriate.

Mythbusters - TV Series

Star Wars Clone Wars - Animated TV Series

Lord of the Rings (a little gory but sooooo good)

Dog Fights (History Channel)

How To Train Your Dragon

Prince of Persia (not my favorite - but my 13 yr old son liked it)

Harry Potter (but don't lynch me if you don't like HP) :D

Phineas and Ferb (Disney Channel)

Pirates of the Caribbean

National Treasure (5 stars)

The Princess Bride

Human Weapon (history channel)



My son says this is a good list!

Edited by scrapbabe
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We don't have TV reception, but we do have Netflix and it's great, but I'm running out of ideas for movies.


Most the new stuff has a lot of visual gore or foul language, which no one in our house really likes. The rating systems don't make sense or aren't consistent.


Please give me some movie suggestions or TV series. We really like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comedy, a little Kung-Fu, and spy type Action/Adventure - not so much blow-em up stuff though. He doesn't like Romance.at.all.

For TV series, we tried watching Heros, but the gore was too much for him. He loved Firefly, Survivorman and Star Trek.






We loved all 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 as a family. There's something for everyone, even ancient Egyptian mythology! :)


We have also enjoyed F-Troop, The Waltons, Giligan's Island, Mary Tyler Moore, and other old TV series.

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What about Dr. Who or Robin Hood. They are both BBC series available for instant streaming from Netflix. My boys really enjoy them.


Right now they are on a Monk kick. I think we are on Season 9. :001_smile:


:iagree: My boys also enjoyed the Merlin series. And how about Columbo? Also, try the three Sherlock episodes - free on pbs.org for a few weeks.


My teens also love 24 and The Office, if you find it appropriate enough. Oh - NCIS!!!

Edited by lisabees
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