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Wow, I never watch this show

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They never showed the public service announcement here :( I do watch PP regularly and can tell you that most of the episodes are not disturbing like this. Everyone once in awhile they do toss in one of these heavy ones though. PP is a spin off of Grey's Anatomy, but much less whining and quite a bit more humour than Grey's.

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Next week they'll show the next part of the story...what happens when Charlotte is confronted with having to tell the truth about what happened to her - and having her attacker be found. That's sure what it looked like on the preview anyway...


I really think this was a wake up call for those who hide it - and there are many. Yes, we all know that we should tell the authorities and confront the person in court...but I imagine that's a lot easier said than done. Charlotte is an extremely strong, independent, stubborn person on the outside, but her biggest fear is having people see her as weak or insufficient. I can't imagine she's the only person out there that would have a problem airing what happened to her - it would be hard enough for her to accept what happened to her. At the very beginning, she wasn't even going to ask for help - she was trying to treat herself and avoiding being seen when Pete found her in the supply room.


I'm kind of intrigued to see this come full circle - to see it played out as a less than perfect situation, but one that is realistic for her character - and may help others learn from her choices.



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I don't watch it anymore, but I did read about the episode b/c when I did watch, Charlotte was my favorite character.


Here is a link to the article I read which give a fair amount of information about the reasoning behind this story line:



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Next week they'll show the next part of the story...what happens when Charlotte is confronted with having to tell the truth about what happened to her - and having her attacker be found. That's sure what it looked like on the preview anyway...


I really think this was a wake up call for those who hide it - and there are many. Yes, we all know that we should tell the authorities and confront the person in court...but I imagine that's a lot easier said than done. Charlotte is an extremely strong, independent, stubborn person on the outside, but her biggest fear is having people see her as weak or insufficient. I can't imagine she's the only person out there that would have a problem airing what happened to her - it would be hard enough for her to accept what happened to her. At the very beginning, she wasn't even going to ask for help - she was trying to treat herself and avoiding being seen when Pete found her in the supply room.


I'm kind of intrigued to see this come full circle - to see it played out as a less than perfect situation, but one that is realistic for her character - and may help others learn from her choices.



:iagree: BTW, I'm betting it was her wallet and her panties that she locked in her office drawer. Remember, her panties were missing when they tried to collect her clothing as evidence.

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In my limited experience having been very close to two rape victims and seeing what they went through...


I will never tell beyond my husband and I've told him so. I wouldn't discourage someone from telling, but I wouldn't pressure them to either.


The system is far too often dang near a second rape for some victims and the "justice" is far too often no where near after what can be years of effort to get it.


Both of the families in my personal reference said if they could do it again, they wouldn't have wasted their life, health, and finances. They'd have sought personal help only.


It might not be a popular opinion. And some would call it cowardly or say it is only because she is ashamed. Whatever. I don't think so.


So yeah, I can completely understand and respect how a woman might not tell and it not be all or even in part because she is somehow ashamed.


Didn't watch the episode. I don't watch rape shows because they are both disturbing and often unrealistic.

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